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Speedrun Quester


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Have you ever thought of taking newly created accounts, which don't have levels or coins, and reaching amazing milestones, like joining the Champions Guild, in a very short time? Then this script is for you!


  • Supports ironman and normal accounts
  • Supports accounts that don't have coins or levels
  • Support the looting of your own grave after death
  • Support Champions Guild Speedrun in just over 2 hours
  • Support Ruins of Camdozall Speedrun in less than 2 hours
  • Support Trade Restrictions Speedrun to get 10 Quest Points faster
  • Support for doing almost every F2P quest in the game (and queuing)

Supported quests/speedruns:


Example CLI:

In the example below, we are creating a list of missions to be done in sequence, based on the name provided in the "Supported quests/speedruns" topic

  java -jar "OSBot.jar" -login login:pass -world 301 -bot username:pass:bankpin -script 1202:ROMEO_JULIET;SHEEP_SHEARER;WITCHS_POTION

Example GUI:


GUI Explanation:


  • Select Speedrun: Selects one of the available Speedruns:
    • Champions Guild: Speedrun to enter the champions' guild as quickly as possible.
    • Ruins of Camdozaal: Speedrun to complete Below Ice Mountain as quickly as possible.
    • Trade Restrictions: Speedrun to get 10 quest points to avoid trade restrictions.
  • Target Quests: Displays which quests will be done in the selected speedrun.
  • Reward: Displays how many quest points will be earned in the selected speedrun.
  • Start Speedrun: Starts doing the selected speedrun.

Single Quests

  • Quest queue: Displays the list of quests to be done individually.
  • Add quests to queue: Adds a quest to the queue of quests to be done individually.
  • Remove selected item: Removes the selected quest from the queue of quests to be done individually.
  • Start: Starts doing all quests in the queue, in the same order they were added.


  • Normal Accounts:





  • Iron Man Accounts:







Edited by Heiz
CLI added
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  • 5 months later...
18 hours ago, shark123 said:

what quests does it support,just f2p quests?



4 hours ago, i like the bots said:

nice! how many quests does it support?


18 hours ago, Maldesto said:


Thank you guys!
At this point, only f2p quests are supported, where the highlight is entry into the champions' guild in approximately 2 hours.

As for supported missions, I will update the script description containing the complete list as soon as possible.

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2 hours ago, Ayayron said:

I'd love to see it, do many p2p quests.

This category of script is difficult to develop content for p2p as it is only possible to do the quests once on each account. Because of this, I would need a massive number of P2P accounts to test, something I don't have access to at the moment.

But anyway I would like to finish mapping all the free world quests first. After that it will be a possibility to start looking at P2P possibilities. Thanks for the comment!

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41 minutes ago, phun_tyme said:

"Life locked" loop in debug output on Champions guild speed run after dying to fally guard. Could you also let me know what step this is as the "life Locked" output has cleared the current step.


This "Life locked" message occurs when the script is unable to execute because it is waiting for the death handler to complete successfully.

Could you give me more details about which area of the map the player got stuck doing nothing? Regarding STEP, you can see it just above the timer.

If it's a suicide step, you have these 2 possibilites:
- STEP 54 - Faladore Guard
- STEP 95 - Draynor Jail Guard

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52 minutes ago, phun_tyme said:

"Life locked" loop in debug output on Champions guild speed run after dying to fally guard. Could you also let me know what step this is as the "life Locked" output has cleared the current step.


Another important detail is that there was an update to the game this morning. Something may have broken, I'll check

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9 minutes ago, phun_tyme said:

Happy days, thanks friend amazing turnaround. The script is very good, great work.

Just to be clear, my character did die and end up in lumbridge that is where the looping occurred (just to make sure it matches your test)

@phun_tyme @07ETHFarmer 

I just fixed the problem and uploaded an update, now you have to wait up to 24 hours for the updates to be reflected in SDN. Thank you very much for your support!

I'm really enjoying receiving your feedback on this script that I spent 2 years developing

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