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@mariokiller64 I just extended your trial for another 24 hrs, ty for the logs, I will try again and see if the bot misses pickaxe in today's v8.1

I believe I made it only take pickaxe if we are mining the essence for [gather quest items] option, I will code the bot so it takes pickaxe for temple of the eye quest too, or perhaps I'll make it loot the one on the ground near the spawn (inside the quest).

All trials added enjoy <3 

New Update (v8.1)

- Added new preparation option: "Gather Quest Items"
-- Bot will now grab pickaxe, bucket of water, mine essence
-- Now supports ironmen too.
- Fixed an issue with override cata where it would ignore quests sometimes
- Added new strategy: if game started inside portal, mine until full inv, leave, drop 1 ess, mine more fragments until game starts
-- This one should boost your points and xp/hr by far, one of a kind feature ^
- Fixed random issues if we spawn badly in the essence (during questing)
- Bot now accepts rune essence too, for the 9->10 runecrafting training (during questing)
- Added some more safety mechanisms

Update is officially live, have been working on this one for the past couple days, more updates to come <3

Please drop down some comments on what you'd like to see next. I am thinking adding GE support for selling runes, or maybe a few options to sell the rewards to Felix for pearls? E.g. lantern for 100 pearls and dyes for 50 pearls each.

Obligatory flex :doge: did a nice 26 hr run on both accs, one acc got luckier with pearls tho :feels: 


Edited by Czar
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3 minutes ago, Czar said:

@mariokiller64 I just extended your trial for another 24 hrs, ty for the logs, I will try again and see if the bot misses pickaxe in today's v8.1

All trials added enjoy <3 

New Update (v8.1)

- Added new preparation option: "Gather Quest Items"
-- Bot will now grab pickaxe, bucket of water, mine essence
-- Now supports ironmen too.
- Fixed an issue with override cata where it would ignore quests sometimes
- Added new strategy: if game started inside portal, mine until full inv, leave, drop 1 ess, mine more fragments until game starts
-- This one should boost your points and xp/hr by far, one of a kind feature ^
- Fixed random issues if we spawn badly in the essence (during questing)
- Added some more safety mechanisms

Update is officially live, have been working on this one for the past couple days, more updates to come <3

Please drop down some comments on what you'd like to see next. I am thinking adding GE support for selling runes, or maybe a few options to sell the rewards to Felix for pearls? E.g. lantern for 100 pearls and dyes for 50 pearls each.

Obligatory flex :doge: did a nice 26 hr run on both accs, one acc got luckier with pearls tho :feels: 


Just brought it unfortunately it failed on the quests 

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11 hours ago, Czar said:

@mariokiller64 I just extended your trial for another 24 hrs, ty for the logs, I will try again and see if the bot misses pickaxe in today's v8.1

I believe I made it only take pickaxe if we are mining the essence for [gather quest items] option, I will code the bot so it takes pickaxe for temple of the eye quest too, or perhaps I'll make it loot the one on the ground near the spawn (inside the quest).

I'm not exactly sure what it needs a pickaxe for as I don't really know how the minigame goes but he went into the minigame to mine something but couldn't. I'll try again to see what happens in 8.1 if I don't have a pickaxe. Thanks for the extension!

Edited by mariokiller64
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15 hours ago, daamurda said:

Hey i'm just getting back into botting, would love a trial if u get a chance! <3

Hey I remember you, welcome back :D Done added trial enjoy!

13 hours ago, mariokiller64 said:

I'm not exactly sure what it needs a pickaxe for as I don't really know how the minigame goes but he went into the minigame to mine something but couldn't. I'll try again to see what happens in 8.1 if I don't have a pickaxe. Thanks for the extension!

No problem, I have just submitted an update for v8.2 it will now grab a pickaxe before playing the minigame, BUT only if you select [upgrade pickaxe] option, please don't forget this one 🙏 Also guys I added support for these pickaxes too now: Iron pickaxe, Black pickaxe. Before it was just bronze -> rune :doge: 

EDIT: Update is live, gl guys enjoy.

Guys I broke the abyss miniquest by accident. I just submitted another small update for abyss miniquest sometimes if it spawns badly in the essence mine, latest version is v8.3 now.

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