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Fruity Barrows (Frost Barrows)


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9 minutes ago, thementor said:

Im happy with your bot i will definitely purchase it. My question is if i can run it on 2 accounts at the same time. is it possible?

I believe standard users can run up to 2 accounts (but this might be outdated information)
VIP+ users can run unlimited. But it is based on your account rank, not the script.

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26 minutes ago, FrostBug said:

I believe standard users can run up to 2 accounts (but this might be outdated information)
VIP+ users can run unlimited. But it is based on your account rank, not the script.

Yes regular users get up to 2 accounts. So I can bot your script on my 2nd account as well right? without paying extra 

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The script keeps afking somewhere (in the tunnels i think) with auto retaliate off and then gets ring of lifed or dies. I am using mirror mode.

Here's the logger:

[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:10:32 PM]: INFO: Buffing (MAGIC)
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:10:39 PM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:10:45 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker started
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:10:45 PM]: DEBUG: Combat started
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:04 PM]: DEBUG: Exiting tomb [1]
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:04 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker stopped
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:05 PM]: DEBUG: Anti-stuck camera rotation
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:09 PM]: INFO: Next tomb: Verac the Defiled
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:20 PM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:25 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker started
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:25 PM]: DEBUG: Combat started
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:54 PM]: DEBUG: Exiting tomb [1]
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:54 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker stopped
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:11:57 PM]: INFO: Next tomb: Torag the Corrupted
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:06 PM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:11 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker started
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:11 PM]: DEBUG: Combat started
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:26 PM]: DEBUG: Restoring health
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:27 PM]: DEBUG: Targeting enemy
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:34 PM]: DEBUG: Exiting tomb [1]
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:34 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker stopped
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:40 PM]: DEBUG: Swapping to item: Dragon scimitar
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:49 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You've broken into a crypt!] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:54 PM]: DEBUG: Continue pending
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:55 PM]: DEBUG: Continue pending
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:55 PM]: DEBUG: Option pending
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:56 PM]: DEBUG: Continue pending
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:58 PM]: DEBUG: In tunnels
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:58 PM]: DEBUG: Disabling auto retaliate
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:12:59 PM]: DEBUG: Rotating to door
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:05 PM]: DEBUG: Approaching.. 3524, 9707
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:07 PM]: DEBUG: Approaching.. 3524, 9707
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:08 PM]: DEBUG: Approaching.. 3525, 9703
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:08 PM]: DEBUG: Moving cam to position (cPitch: 22, minPitch: 22)
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:11 PM]: DEBUG: Approaching.. 3525, 9698
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:12 PM]: DEBUG: Approaching.. 3524, 9694
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:14 PM]: DEBUG: Approaching.. 3525, 9690
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:15 PM]: DEBUG: Approaching.. 3525, 9685
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:16 PM]: DEBUG: Approaching.. 3525, 9681
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:22 PM]: DEBUG: brotherCheck -> COMBAT
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:22 PM]: DEBUG: TargetTracker started
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:22 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You feel weakened.] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:23 PM]: INFO: Buffing (MELEE)
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:24 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You drink some of your super restore potion.] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:24 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You have finished your potion.] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:25 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You drink some of your combat potion.] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:25 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You have 1 dose of potion left.] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:26 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You feel confused.] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:40 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You feel weakened.] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:13:45 PM]: INFO: Processing message [You have run out of prayer points, you must recharge at an altar.] in TunnelSolver
[INFO][Bot #2][03/01 04:14:01 PM]: INFO: Processing message [Your Ring of Life saves you and is destroyed in the process.] in TunnelSolver

Edited by D Bolter
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Pretty sure this is a bug, but the bot isn't switching attack styles for me. It can't magic shortbow spec, it will just click on my prayer page where the spec bar is, isn't hitting the combat tab to switch. It also can't switch on salamanders, same issue, it's clicker where the box is supposed to be but it isn't clicking the combat style page first so it's not switching. Working good otherwise. And yes I've set the combat styles properly on the salamander/shortbow.

3 hours ago, DirtyEyes said:


why is my loot tracker all white? any idea how to fix this?

Also having this problem on my client.

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6 hours ago, zorksborks said:

Pretty sure this is a bug, but the bot isn't switching attack styles for me. It can't magic shortbow spec, it will just click on my prayer page where the spec bar is, isn't hitting the combat tab to switch. It also can't switch on salamanders, same issue, it's clicker where the box is supposed to be but it isn't clicking the combat style page first so it's not switching. Working good otherwise. And yes I've set the combat styles properly on the salamander/shortbow.

Also having this problem on my client.

Sounds like you don't have all your hotkeys configured. Try resetting them to default.

I'll look into why the images aren't loading.

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hey script is running great so far! Just one hiccup

OSBot client version: 2.5.41

Mirror mode (Yes/No): no

Detailed bug description: After retrieving all the items out of the bank, it swaps the dueling ring and another item, sometimes its a potion and sometimes its a piece of food constantly back and forth back and forth back and forth after every trip

Relevant logs (If available): When going to settings > toggle logger there is no error just "organizing inventory"


*edit, I do not have the dueling ring equipped, it sits in my inventory next to the spade. I also have organizing turned off


*edit, also when I put a certain percentage for the rewards potential, sometimes it tends to go over that number, for example if I specify 85% and it's sitting at 82%, it will kill another monster and rise above the percentage I specified

Edited by 7upSprite
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Found another bug, stealth mode 2.5.41, The bot is inside the tunnel, has killed all the brothers and has the %reward potential specified, while running to the chest the prayer points became depleted, and it teled out before clicking the chest even though it still had food in the inventory.

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:41:55 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:41:57 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:41:59 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:42:01 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:42:03 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:42:05 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

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5 hours ago, 7upSprite said:

Found another bug, stealth mode 2.5.41, The bot is inside the tunnel, has killed all the brothers and has the %reward potential specified, while running to the chest the prayer points became depleted, and it teled out before clicking the chest even though it still had food in the inventory.

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:41:55 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:41:57 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:41:59 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:42:01 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:42:03 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/06 11:42:05 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at frostbarrow.b.Nul.K(vb:177)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.L(pc:696)
    at frostbarrow.e.CoM1.k(pc:35)
    at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(xd:79)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(si:73)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

Could you PM me the full log file? In User/OSBot/Data/FrostBarrows/Logs

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