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Proxies... are they mandatory?


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Hello community,

I've been flirting with the idea of making f2p bot army to do nothing other than supply a little extra GP to my main account so i dont have to grind as much. ive bought programmaz cowhide killer and im liking using that, maybe looking to buy Khal's Wcer.

my aim is to bot to a point where im able to maybe get a money for a bond and stats to either run a green drag or barrows script (ive seen many accounts here with silly stats that i can only assume are seasoned botters). im just wondering if its worth me getting proxies for just f2p botting or if i should stick to getting my f2p botting to a level where i can get a decent cash flow.

ive already had two accounts diabled as i ran them both at the same time, same script however diffrent worlds and i think that may have caused the ban.

please any help i would love to listen to someone whos experianced in this as i need all the help i can get haha!


thanks in advance, feel free to private message me if too if you'd prefer!

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  On 11/14/2020 at 12:11 PM, ellzzg said:

Hello community,

I've been flirting with the idea of making f2p bot army to do nothing other than supply a little extra GP to my main account so i dont have to grind as much. ive bought programmaz cowhide killer and im liking using that, maybe looking to buy Khal's Wcer.

my aim is to bot to a point where im able to maybe get a money for a bond and stats to either run a green drag or barrows script (ive seen many accounts here with silly stats that i can only assume are seasoned botters). im just wondering if its worth me getting proxies for just f2p botting or if i should stick to getting my f2p botting to a level where i can get a decent cash flow.

ive already had two accounts diabled as i ran them both at the same time, same script however diffrent worlds and i think that may have caused the ban.

please any help i would love to listen to someone whos experianced in this as i need all the help i can get haha!


thanks in advance, feel free to private message me if too if you'd prefer!


ummm idk if be worth it to use proxies for f2p unless you ran like 5 accounts 1 on proxie and another 5 of diff 1

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  On 11/14/2020 at 12:35 PM, Token said:

Proxies aren't mandatory, but they are nice to have


im guessing the ban rate is super high to a level where i can pass my 20 hours limit and be able to transfer items

  On 11/14/2020 at 12:37 PM, Wishy said:

I've always found them ideal.

I've gotten loads of accounts unbanned thanks to proxies.

Barrows bots are nice. But ban rate is stupidly high.


im seeing accounts on my main while i manually do some barrows for cash and the stats are stupid like some with 10k barrows chets and high level mage and range!!

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They help for accounts you care about because it makes it look as though the account has been stolen so it’s likely you’ll be able to get them unbanned. As for farms it’s not essential but it makes things easier and it’s pretty obvious that if 15 accounts are logged in at once on the same IP doing the same thing it’s pretty sus and obvious they’re botting

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  On 11/14/2020 at 2:02 PM, Space said:

They help for accounts you care about because it makes it look as though the account has been stolen so it’s likely you’ll be able to get them unbanned. As for farms it’s not essential but it makes things easier and it’s pretty obvious that if 15 accounts are logged in at once on the same IP doing the same thing it’s pretty sus and obvious they’re botting


so in your opinion if im only botting 4 hours a day on each account i should stick to having one logged in at a time? just because im close to 3k cowhides on one account and id like to keep them haha =]

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  On 11/14/2020 at 2:45 PM, ellzzg said:

so in your opinion if im only botting 4 hours a day on each account i should stick to having one logged in at a time? just because im close to 3k cowhides on one account and id like to keep them haha =]


Personally I would be transfering all them to a mule to prevent them all being lost. If you're going to do a farm it's a lot of trial and error. I would personally have 3-6 accounts to 1 proxy but it starts to get costly if your accounts are being banned faster than they can make money. I used to buy proxies for $3 each that was just for one, you do get discount for bulk. It's all down to how much you're going to invest as to how much you're going to get back. if you invest in a farm that kills zulrah you can expect a lot more return due to the price of the items in comparison to cowhides.

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  On 11/14/2020 at 3:39 PM, Space said:

Personally I would be transfering all them to a mule to prevent them all being lost. If you're going to do a farm it's a lot of trial and error. I would personally have 3-6 accounts to 1 proxy but it starts to get costly if your accounts are being banned faster than they can make money. I used to buy proxies for $3 each that was just for one, you do get discount for bulk. It's all down to how much you're going to invest as to how much you're going to get back. if you invest in a farm that kills zulrah you can expect a lot more return due to the price of the items in comparison to cowhides.


i understand, its just the waiting to be able to transfer them over im waiting on my 20 hours and 10 QP, im going to try and manually play my mule account a bit so its less likely to get banned


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  On 11/14/2020 at 4:44 PM, ellzzg said:

i understand, its just the waiting to be able to transfer them over im waiting on my 20 hours and 10 QP, im going to try and manually play my mule account a bit so its less likely to get banned



can you not sell them & buy something on the ge with the gold? So like selling them and buying idk.. rune scim ornament kits? dying to your mule in the wildi and looting them?

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  On 11/14/2020 at 7:36 PM, Space said:

can you not sell them & buy something on the ge with the gold? So like selling them and buying idk.. rune scim ornament kits? dying to your mule in the wildi and looting them?


hmmm i guess i could try that although i wasnt sure if i could sell highly botted items to GE? i could always give it a go though thanks


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