zoradz Posted August 27, 2020 Share Posted August 27, 2020 (edited) Osbot client closes when searching for client to attach to Help appreciated, thanks # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x5620002a, pid=10832, tid=0x000019e8 # # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_261-b12) (build 1.8.0_261-b12) # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (25.261-b12 mixed mode windows-x86 ) # Problematic frame: # C 0x5620002a # # Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows # # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit: # http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code. # See problematic frame for where to report the bug. # --------------- T H R E A D --------------- Current thread (0x489e8400): JavaThread "initializer" [_thread_in_native, id=6632, stack(0x564f0000,0x56540000)] siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, ExceptionInformation=0x00000003 0x00000000 Registers: EAX=0x00000001, EBX=0x56200000, ECX=0x61d90000, EDX=0x00000000 ESP=0x5653f1e4, EBP=0x56210010, ESI=0x56210129, EDI=0x56200027 EIP=0x5620002a, EFLAGS=0x00010206 Top of Stack: (sp=0x5653f1e4) 0x5653f1e4: 56210129 65568e29 56210000 6555f7e3 0x5653f1f4: 56210000 56210129 01100000 0000119c 0x5653f204: 0000119c 011002c0 0000119c 01100000 0x5653f214: 00000094 0000000a 00000000 00004a61 0x5653f224: 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x5653f234: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x5653f244: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x5653f254: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Instructions: (pc=0x5620002a) 0x5620000a: 0c e8 00 00 00 00 58 83 c0 25 83 ec 08 89 e2 c7 0x5620001a: 42 04 33 00 00 00 89 02 e8 09 00 00 00 83 c4 14 0x5620002a: 5f 5e 5d c2 08 00 8b 3c 24 ff 2a 48 31 c0 57 ff 0x5620003a: d6 5f 50 c7 44 24 04 23 00 00 00 89 3c 24 ff 2c Register to memory mapping: EAX=0x00000001 is an unknown value EBX=0x56200000 is an unknown value ECX=0x61d90000 is an unknown value EDX=0x00000000 is an unknown value ESP=0x5653f1e4 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x489e8400 EBP=0x56210010 is an unknown value ESI=0x56210129 is an unknown value EDI=0x56200027 is an unknown value Stack: [0x564f0000,0x56540000], sp=0x5653f1e4, free space=316k Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code) C 0x5620002a Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code) j client.nat.nattach.WindowsVirtualMachine.M9(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V+0 j client.nat.nattach.WindowsVirtualMachine.trt()V+58 j client.Vm.fg(Lclient/Wo;Lclient/XDtC;)Z+3 j client.UmZ.tdu(Lclient/emu/EmuClient;)Z+265 j client.emu.HnSa.run()V+4 v ~StubRoutines::call_stub --------------- P R O C E S S --------------- Java Threads: ( => current thread ) 0x488cd000 JavaThread "Thread-6" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=1880, stack(0x55790000,0x557e0000)] =>0x489e8400 JavaThread "initializer" [_thread_in_native, id=6632, stack(0x564f0000,0x56540000)] 0x489e7c00 JavaThread "Thread-5" [_thread_blocked, id=10544, stack(0x56360000,0x563b0000)] 0x489e9000 JavaThread "Random Executor" [_thread_blocked, id=10280, stack(0x562d0000,0x56320000)] 0x489e9400 JavaThread "pool-1-thread-1" [_thread_blocked, id=5736, stack(0x54340000,0x54390000)] 0x489e7000 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=11432, stack(0x02ef0000,0x02f40000)] 0x489e9c00 JavaThread "D3D Screen Updater" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=11864, stack(0x55500000,0x55550000)] 0x489be400 JavaThread "Thread-4" [_thread_blocked, id=12960, stack(0x55470000,0x554c0000)] 0x48a8dc00 JavaThread "Thread-3" [_thread_blocked, id=13044, stack(0x553e0000,0x55430000)] 0x48990c00 JavaThread "TimerQueue" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1148, stack(0x54a50000,0x54aa0000)] 0x48965c00 JavaThread "Darcula Animations" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=10904, stack(0x549c0000,0x54a10000)] 0x488e3000 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=7004, stack(0x543d0000,0x54420000)] 0x46013000 JavaThread "Thread-1" [_thread_blocked, id=1228, stack(0x48ad0000,0x48b20000)] 0x45fd4c00 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2940, stack(0x46420000,0x46470000)] 0x45fd3c00 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=9556, stack(0x46390000,0x463e0000)] 0x45fd2c00 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=10256, stack(0x46300000,0x46350000)] 0x45a2e000 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=8628, stack(0x45da0000,0x45df0000)] 0x45a0a800 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2596, stack(0x45d10000,0x45d60000)] 0x45a09000 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=9844, stack(0x45c80000,0x45cd0000)] 0x45a08000 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4640, stack(0x45bf0000,0x45c40000)] 0x015e8000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4700, stack(0x45930000,0x45980000)] 0x015d3000 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=8556, stack(0x458a0000,0x458f0000)] Other Threads: 0x015cd400 VMThread [stack: 0x45810000,0x45860000] [id=10884] 0x45a38400 WatcherThread [stack: 0x45e30000,0x45e80000] [id=12232] VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution) VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None Heap: def new generation total 12544K, used 4119K [0x05000000, 0x05d90000, 0x1a550000) eden space 11200K, 24% used [0x05000000, 0x052b5d40, 0x05af0000) from space 1344K, 100% used [0x05c40000, 0x05d90000, 0x05d90000) to space 1344K, 0% used [0x05af0000, 0x05af0000, 0x05c40000) tenured generation total 27680K, used 17326K [0x1a550000, 0x1c058000, 0x45000000) the space 27680K, 62% used [0x1a550000, 0x1b63b918, 0x1b63ba00, 0x1c058000) Metaspace used 13806K, capacity 14148K, committed 14336K, reserved 14720K Card table byte_map: [0x45000000,0x45210000] byte_map_base: 0x44fd8000 Polling page: 0x02f40000 CodeCache: size=32768Kb used=2396Kb max_used=2396Kb free=30371Kb bounds [0x02f70000, 0x031c8000, 0x04f70000] total_blobs=1375 nmethods=1103 adapters=202 compilation: enabled Compilation events (10 events): Event: 24.887 Thread 0x45a0a800 1110 java.awt.EventQueue$4::run (19 bytes) Event: 24.887 Thread 0x45a0a800 nmethod 1110 0x031c58c8 code [0x031c5a10, 0x031c5bf8] Event: 24.887 Thread 0x45a0a800 1111 java.awt.EventQueue::access$700 (4 bytes) Event: 24.887 Thread 0x45a0a800 nmethod 1111 0x031c5e88 code [0x031c5f80, 0x031c5ff0] Event: 24.887 Thread 0x45a0a800 1112 java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl::doIntersectionPrivilege (10 bytes) Event: 24.887 Thread 0x45a0a800 nmethod 1112 0x031c6048 code [0x031c61a0, 0x031c6434] Event: 25.088 Thread 0x45a0a800 1113 java.util.HashMap::removeNode (291 bytes) Event: 25.089 Thread 0x45a0a800 nmethod 1113 0x031c6788 code [0x031c6900, 0x031c6d58] Event: 26.088 Thread 0x45a0a800 1114 java.util.HashMap::afterNodeAccess (1 bytes) Event: 26.088 Thread 0x45a0a800 nmethod 1114 0x031c72c8 code [0x031c73c0, 0x031c7440] GC Heap History (10 events): Event: 11.223 GC heap before {Heap before GC invocations=16 (full 1): def new generation total 4992K, used 4716K [0x05000000, 0x05560000, 0x1a550000) eden space 4480K, 99% used [0x05000000, 0x0545fb18, 0x05460000) from space 512K, 46% used [0x05460000, 0x0549b5c8, 0x054e0000) to space 512K, 0% used [0x054e0000, 0x054e0000, 0x05560000) tenured generation total 10944K, used 9205K [0x1a550000, 0x1b000000, 0x45000000) the space 10944K, 84% used [0x1a550000, 0x1ae4d7d8, 0x1ae4d800, 0x1b000000) Metaspace used 13192K, capacity 13539K, committed 13696K, reserved 13696K Event: 11.239 GC heap after Heap after GC invocations=17 (full 2): def new generation total 7488K, used 0K [0x05000000, 0x05820000, 0x1a550000) eden space 6656K, 0% used [0x05000000, 0x05000000, 0x05680000) from space 832K, 0% used [0x05680000, 0x05680000, 0x05750000) to space 832K, 0% used [0x05750000, 0x05750000, 0x05820000) tenured generation total 16532K, used 9917K [0x1a550000, 0x1b575000, 0x45000000) the space 16532K, 59% used [0x1a550000, 0x1aeff7c0, 0x1aeff800, 0x1b575000) Metaspace used 13167K, capacity 13501K, committed 13696K, reserved 13696K } Event: 11.302 GC heap before {Heap before GC invocations=17 (full 2): def new generation total 7488K, used 6656K [0x05000000, 0x05820000, 0x1a550000) eden space 6656K, 100% used [0x05000000, 0x05680000, 0x05680000) from space 832K, 0% used [0x05680000, 0x05680000, 0x05750000) to space 832K, 0% used [0x05750000, 0x05750000, 0x05820000) tenured generation total 16532K, used 9917K [0x1a550000, 0x1b575000, 0x45000000) the space 16532K, 59% used [0x1a550000, 0x1aeff7c0, 0x1aeff800, 0x1b575000) Metaspace used 13492K, capacity 13794K, committed 13952K, reserved 14720K Event: 11.307 GC heap after Heap after GC invocations=18 (full 2): def new generation total 7488K, used 831K [0x05000000, 0x05820000, 0x1a550000) eden space 6656K, 0% used [0x05000000, 0x05000000, 0x05680000) from space 832K, 99% used [0x05750000, 0x0581fff8, 0x05820000) to space 832K, 0% used [0x05680000, 0x05680000, 0x05750000) tenured generation total 16532K, used 12302K [0x1a550000, 0x1b575000, 0x45000000) the space 16532K, 74% used [0x1a550000, 0x1b153948, 0x1b153a00, 0x1b575000) Metaspace used 13492K, capacity 13794K, committed 13952K, reserved 14720K } Event: 11.321 GC heap before {Heap before GC invocations=18 (full 2): def new generation total 7488K, used 7487K [0x05000000, 0x05820000, 0x1a550000) eden space 6656K, 100% used [0x05000000, 0x05680000, 0x05680000) from space 832K, 99% used [0x05750000, 0x0581fff8, 0x05820000) to space 832K, 0% used [0x05680000, 0x05680000, 0x05750000) tenured generation total 16532K, used 12302K [0x1a550000, 0x1b575000, 0x45000000) the space 16532K, 74% used [0x1a550000, 0x1b153948, 0x1b153a00, 0x1b575000) Metaspace used 13492K, capacity 13794K, committed 13952K, reserved 14720K Event: 11.328 GC heap after Heap after GC invocations=19 (full 2): def new generation total 7488K, used 832K [0x05000000, 0x05820000, 0x1a550000) eden space 6656K, 0% used [0x05000000, 0x05000000, 0x05680000) from space 832K, 100% used [0x05680000, 0x05750000, 0x05750000) to space 832K, 0% used [0x05750000, 0x05750000, 0x05820000) tenured generation total 16532K, used 15177K [0x1a550000, 0x1b575000, 0x45000000) the space 16532K, 91% used [0x1a550000, 0x1b422648, 0x1b422800, 0x1b575000) Metaspace used 13492K, capacity 13794K, committed 13952K, reserved 14720K } Event: 11.363 GC heap before {Heap before GC invocations=19 (full 2): def new generation total 7488K, used 7362K [0x05000000, 0x05820000, 0x1a550000) eden space 6656K, 98% used [0x05000000, 0x05660a30, 0x05680000) from space 832K, 100% used [0x05680000, 0x05750000, 0x05750000) to space 832K, 0% used [0x05750000, 0x05750000, 0x05820000) tenured generation total 16532K, used 15177K [0x1a550000, 0x1b575000, 0x45000000) the space 16532K, 91% used [0x1a550000, 0x1b422648, 0x1b422800, 0x1b575000) Metaspace used 13672K, capacity 14020K, committed 14208K, reserved 14720K Event: 11.391 GC heap after Heap after GC invocations=20 (full 3): def new generation total 12544K, used 0K [0x05000000, 0x05d90000, 0x1a550000) eden space 11200K, 0% used [0x05000000, 0x05000000, 0x05af0000) from space 1344K, 0% used [0x05af0000, 0x05af0000, 0x05c40000) to space 1344K, 0% used [0x05c40000, 0x05c40000, 0x05d90000) tenured generation total 27680K, used 16607K [0x1a550000, 0x1c058000, 0x45000000) the space 27680K, 59% used [0x1a550000, 0x1b587e88, 0x1b588000, 0x1c058000) Metaspace used 13672K, capacity 14020K, committed 14208K, reserved 14720K } Event: 19.682 GC heap before {Heap before GC invocations=20 (full 3): def new generation total 12544K, used 11126K [0x05000000, 0x05d90000, 0x1a550000) eden space 11200K, 99% used [0x05000000, 0x05add890, 0x05af0000) from space 1344K, 0% used [0x05af0000, 0x05af0000, 0x05c40000) to space 1344K, 0% used [0x05c40000, 0x05c40000, 0x05d90000) tenured generation total 27680K, used 16607K [0x1a550000, 0x1c058000, 0x45000000) the space 27680K, 59% used [0x1a550000, 0x1b587e88, 0x1b588000, 0x1c058000) Metaspace used 13804K, capacity 14148K, committed 14336K, reserved 14720K Event: 19.685 GC heap after Heap after GC invocations=21 (full 3): def new generation total 12544K, used 1344K [0x05000000, 0x05d90000, 0x1a550000) eden space 11200K, 0% used [0x05000000, 0x05000000, 0x05af0000) from space 1344K, 100% used [0x05c40000, 0x05d90000, 0x05d90000) to space 1344K, 0% used [0x05af0000, 0x05af0000, 0x05c40000) tenured generation total 27680K, used 17326K [0x1a550000, 0x1c058000, 0x45000000) the space 27680K, 62% used [0x1a550000, 0x1b63b918, 0x1b63ba00, 0x1c058000) Metaspace used 13804K, capacity 14148K, committed 14336K, reserved 14720K } Deoptimization events (0 events): No events Classes redefined (0 events): No events Internal exceptions (10 events): Event: 16.327 Thread 0x489e8400 Exception <a 'java/io/IOException'> (0x0556b5c8) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp, line 710] Event: 16.327 Thread 0x489e8400 Exception <a 'java/io/IOException'> (0x0556b818) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp, line 710] Event: 16.344 Thread 0x45a09000 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError': client/nat/stream/Stream> (0x056d0428) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\classfile\systemDictionary.cpp, line 199] Event: 16.351 Thread 0x45a09000 Exception <a 'java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError': client.nat.stream.Stream.m1(I)J> (0x0574b9d8) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\nativeLookup.cpp, line 378] Event: 19.681 Thread 0x489e8400 Exception <a 'java/io/IOException'> (0x0596a590) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp, line 710] Event: 19.681 Thread 0x489e8400 Exception <a 'java/io/IOException'> (0x0596a810) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp, line 710] Event: 19.681 Thread 0x489e8400 Exception <a 'java/io/IOException'> (0x0596aa60) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp, line 710] Event: 24.027 Thread 0x489e8400 Exception <a 'java/io/IOException'> (0x051d9078) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp, line 710] Event: 24.027 Thread 0x489e8400 Exception <a 'java/io/IOException'> (0x051d92f8) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp, line 710] Event: 24.027 Thread 0x489e8400 Exception <a 'java/io/IOException'> (0x051d9548) thrown at [C:\jenkins\workspace\8-2-build-windows-i586-cygwin\jdk8u261\295\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp, line 710] Events (10 events): Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication done Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication done Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication done Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication done Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication Event: 24.032 loading class org/osbot/BotApplication done Dynamic libraries: 0x00710000 - 0x0074f000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\java.exe 0x77dd0000 - 0x77f73000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll 0x76f70000 - 0x77060000 C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL 0x778d0000 - 0x77ae3000 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll 0x72df0000 - 0x72e8f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll 0x76070000 - 0x760e9000 C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll 0x75ef0000 - 0x75faf000 C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll 0x766b0000 - 0x76725000 C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll 0x762f0000 - 0x763aa000 C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll 0x75cb0000 - 0x75e43000 C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll 0x75e50000 - 0x75e68000 C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll 0x76f30000 - 0x76f53000 C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll 0x76190000 - 0x7626a000 C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll 0x77bf0000 - 0x77c6b000 C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll 0x77530000 - 0x77650000 C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll 0x744f0000 - 0x74700000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.19041.1_none_fd031af45b0106f2\COMCTL32.dll 0x76520000 - 0x76545000 C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL 0x64520000 - 0x64533000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\vcruntime140.dll 0x644b0000 - 0x6451f000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\msvcp140.dll 0x63fb0000 - 0x6438e000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\client\jvm.dll 0x76660000 - 0x76666000 C:\Windows\System32\PSAPI.DLL 0x709b0000 - 0x709b8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll 0x742c0000 - 0x742c8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll 0x74460000 - 0x74488000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll 0x75fb0000 - 0x76013000 C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll 0x73a50000 - 0x73a5f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll 0x63fa0000 - 0x63fad000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\verify.dll 0x63f70000 - 0x63f94000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\java.dll 0x63f50000 - 0x63f64000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\zip.dll 0x76980000 - 0x76f30000 C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll 0x73120000 - 0x73728000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\windows.storage.dll 0x77650000 - 0x778d0000 C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll 0x730f0000 - 0x73114000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Wldp.dll 0x77060000 - 0x770e7000 C:\Windows\System32\SHCORE.dll 0x76020000 - 0x76065000 C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll 0x73790000 - 0x737a8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll 0x63bb0000 - 0x63cfb000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\awt.dll 0x760f0000 - 0x76186000 C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll 0x72e90000 - 0x72f04000 C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll 0x76740000 - 0x76813000 C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll 0x77cd0000 - 0x77db3000 C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll 0x77c70000 - 0x77ccc000 C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll 0x72790000 - 0x727b6000 C:\Windows\system32\DWMAPI.DLL 0x72f30000 - 0x72f53000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\sunec.dll 0x72dd0000 - 0x72de7000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\net.dll 0x738b0000 - 0x73902000 C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll 0x744b0000 - 0x744e2000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL 0x76f60000 - 0x76f67000 C:\Windows\System32\NSI.dll 0x739e0000 - 0x739f4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL 0x739c0000 - 0x739d6000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL 0x73930000 - 0x739c0000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll 0x72f20000 - 0x72f2f000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\nio.dll 0x63d40000 - 0x63e40000 C:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll 0x63d00000 - 0x63d3f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GLU32.dll 0x6a7f0000 - 0x6a97e000 C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll 0x67e10000 - 0x67f94000 C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0357202.inf_amd64_afcde6f3b1cada07\B356989\aticfx32.dll 0x59b80000 - 0x5b4b0000 C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0357202.inf_amd64_afcde6f3b1cada07\B356989\amdxn32.dll 0x66690000 - 0x666b6000 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C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll 0x6e8c0000 - 0x6e99e000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll 0x72da0000 - 0x72dc6000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\dcpr.dll 0x73810000 - 0x73823000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll 0x737e0000 - 0x7380f000 C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll 0x74700000 - 0x74725000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll 0x73b10000 - 0x73b1a000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll 0x73770000 - 0x73781000 C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll 0x73750000 - 0x73766000 C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll 0x73740000 - 0x73750000 C:\Windows\system32\wshbth.dll 0x73a00000 - 0x73a16000 C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll 0x73730000 - 0x7373e000 C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll 0x73840000 - 0x73898000 C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll 0x738a0000 - 0x738a8000 C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll 0x65570000 - 0x6557b000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\sunmscapi.dll 0x77af0000 - 0x77bef000 C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll 0x73b20000 - 0x73b41000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll 0x73a90000 - 0x73ab8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll 0x65550000 - 0x6556d000 C:\Users\Jake\AppData\Local\Temp\ewqq1061264897651704049.dll 0x63f00000 - 0x63f0c000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\management.dll 0x63ed0000 - 0x63efc000 C:\Users\Jake\AppData\Local\Temp\rewe3654046971142284733.dll 0x742d0000 - 0x74458000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll VM Arguments: jvm_args: -Xmx1024m -Xbootclasspath/p:C:\Users\Jake\OSBot\Data\filter_77b42e63.jar java_command: org.osbot.BotApplication 1,1,0,null,null,-1,0,0,0,0,0,null,false java_class_path (initial): /C:/Users/Jake/Downloads/OSBot 2.5.87.jar;/C:/Users/Jake/Downloads/OSBot 2.5.87.jar Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD Environment Variables: PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Users\Jake\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps; USERNAME=Jake OS=Windows_NT PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=AMD64 Family 23 Model 8 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD --------------- S Y S T E M --------------- OS: Windows 10.0 , 64 bit Build 19041 (10.0.19041.292) CPU:total 12 (initial active 12) (12 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 23 model 8 stepping 2, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, avx, avx2, aes, clmul, mmxext, 3dnowpref, lzcnt, sse4a, tsc, tscinvbit, tscinv, bmi1 Memory: 4k page, physical 16727300k(11758712k free), swap 19217668k(10598728k free) vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (25.261-b12) for windows-x86 JRE (1.8.0_261-b12), built on Jun 18 2020 06:57:43 by "" with unknown MS VC++:1916 time: Thu Aug 27 12:16:30 2020 timezone: W. Australia Standard Time elapsed time: 27 seconds (0d 0h 0m 27s) Edited August 27, 2020 by zoradz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaleesi Posted August 29, 2020 Share Posted August 29, 2020 did you have runescape original client open? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zoradz Posted August 30, 2020 Author Share Posted August 30, 2020 21 hours ago, Khaleesi said: did you have runescape original client open? Yes. I ended up reinstalling Osbot and the problem seems to be fixed...for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaleesi Posted August 30, 2020 Share Posted August 30, 2020 4 hours ago, zoradz said: Yes. I ended up reinstalling Osbot and the problem seems to be fixed...for now. Glad it got fixed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gunman Posted September 2, 2020 Share Posted September 2, 2020 If the problem proceeds and you can't get it working, either switch to 64 bit java or reinstall windows Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Oha Posted September 30, 2020 Share Posted September 30, 2020 On 9/2/2020 at 2:53 AM, Gunman said: If the problem proceeds and you can't get it working, either switch to 64 bit java or reinstall windows mine freezes whenever i open up a 2nd bot ? i 4got how to fix this can anyoe help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Posted September 30, 2020 Share Posted September 30, 2020 8 hours ago, Master Oha said: mine freezes whenever i open up a 2nd bot ? i 4got how to fix this can anyoe help It would be easier if you made your own topic with your specs, Java version and OS instead of hijacking a thread that is done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Oha Posted October 2, 2020 Share Posted October 2, 2020 On 9/30/2020 at 1:36 PM, Space said: It would be easier if you made your own topic with your specs, Java version and OS instead of hijacking a thread that is done duely noted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...