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How wide is your musical taste ?


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I mean, do you have a random playlist that you feel most people would never even think of ?

Do you go from Indie to some weird, absolute from the other side of the galaxy kind of music ? xD

Me, personally, I have a really wide taste that covers basically every genre;

I don't think I judge music by its genre, and hardly ever think of the artist as a person (like, it is hard to not hate Bieber and such but, usually, I don't see artist as a person), 

I just embrace the music and feel it, I love when a DJ create such a build up that, when a melodic drop comes later on, everything feels just right and in place.

Or when a deathcore band absolute annihilate the drum and wrecks the tempo with those breaks...

To wrap up, I find it quite funny that in the same day, I listen to my ' let's burn churches ' kind of playlist and a 'girls power' quite as much haha

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