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I'm looking for some cheap / easy suggestions to make 1-3m / day between 4-5 accounts

-The accounts can be F2P OR P2P 

- Preferably able to bot 3-5 hours / day per account (bots will rotate with 3 days on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off, etc)

- Want to spend less than $20 to get the whole operation running

- Hoping for each bot to run for around 2 weeks without a ban

- Scripts can be paid (but as part of the $20)


If anyone has any suggestions, tips, tricks, etc. that they think would help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've been botting for a long time, but would say I'm new to trying to bot for a specific reason while caring about the accounts I'm getting banned on. 


EDIT: I don't want to make any IRL profits, just merely a mil or 2 a day for my main account to use. :)

Edited by Peaj
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50 minutes ago, Peaj said:

Fair enough, just looking for simple methods to earn some GP for my main lol, I'll keep digging I guess

Some advice i can give you is that since you're working with a low budget, dont go for a P2p farm. Stick to an F2p farm, that might generate less money for you, but the reqs to run are almost non existent. That way you can suicide accounts without even caring how long they last for really.

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3 hours ago, Peaj said:

I'm looking for some cheap / easy suggestions to make 1-3m / day between 4-5 accounts

-The accounts can be F2P OR P2P 

- Preferably able to bot 3-5 hours / day per account (bots will rotate with 3 days on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off, etc)

- Want to spend less than $20 to get the whole operation running

- Hoping for each bot to run for around 2 weeks without a ban

- Scripts can be paid (but as part of the $20)


If anyone has any suggestions, tips, tricks, etc. that they think would help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've been botting for a long time, but would say I'm new to trying to bot for a specific reason while caring about the accounts I'm getting banned on. 

Bot oversaturated methods that are money makers. I think start off with F2P farm and scale from there. But you won't earn capital unless you're willing to spend capital. Good luck tho 

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22 hours ago, Runnwith said:

Bot oversaturated methods that are money makers. I think start off with F2P farm and scale from there. But you won't earn capital unless you're willing to spend capital. Good luck tho 

So I think there's a bit of confusion with my post just based off the few replies. I'm not looking to make any irl profit, just a small bit of GP I can transfer to my main, I'm testing a few F2P methods rn though. Thanks for taking the time to reply, anything helps! :)

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@Peaj if you're really aiming for 1-3m a day, zulrah accounts are good. if you bot smart. 

but that is a hefty investment, unless you make your own accounts.


Some I can suggest, since there are already scripts out are:

- Tablet Makers (100k-180k/hr)

- Air orb makers (300-400k/hr) 

- Blue dragon killers (80-200k/hr)

- Green Dragon Killer (400k-500k/hr)

- Blast Furnace bots (500k-1m/hr) depending on what youre smelting

- Fletching Magic bows (100k-200k) 

Note, these methods are already known and will have a ban rate of a few days. 


If you're in it for the long run, hefty requirements. (All methods known already)

- Zulrah (2.5m/hr)

- Brutal Black Dragons (1m-1.1m/hr)

- Gargoyles (100-300k?)

These can last long, but you gotta be careful about bot times, etc. 



Gl with botting! just bot smart and youll be good lol.

Edited by osDude
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