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dispute greengo / russian guy


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Disputed member: @Greengo @Russian Guy

Thread Link: n/a 

paid both of them to do services on my account, now account is banned
Evidence:  Hidden
i think greengo botted it since russian guy has screenies of levels but he easily coulda just hopped clients for levels
services greengo did was full void + 43-57 herb(both completed), russian guy was doing 54-70 agility. acc got banned @ 62 


which ever one of you didnt bot on my account i'm sorry for bringing you into this dispute

Edited by Chris
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I have warned both users of the dispute and will wait for their response as to what happened.

@Greengo @Russian Guy
How is it that an account gets banned under your service(s)? Are you running a joined service?

Can you provide discord identification so I can see that you are indeed talking to both of these users?
I also need to know how this service was done. Are they joined partners or who actually did the service?

From these replies we can move forward.


I would also like the full chatlogs showing the discord tag of who you are talking to please.

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https://gyazo.com/25ec825ad996ad90914e414a459d4db0 russian guy discord

https://gyazo.com/203e04f1f7b592d0dab2553140924510 greengo discord

https://gyazo.com/8354765e8772936e18b8838f8406693d herb greengo
https://gyazo.com/8dd938cb35b99718ad2b47750f24532d herb greengo

https://gyazo.com/0acf88d84ed8b042f5e8a6cbb59a5a62  void greengo


screenshots of levels from russian: also; account is 62 agility currently.

those are the screenshots russian sent me, they're all on osbuddy. *

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@Chris Jams was talking with me in discord, can confirm that. I was planing to give this order to my worker, but he was bussy with other acc 9 acc, so i did this order myself. Here are photo that levels i got is hand done removed I did not bot acc, i don't have bought any scripts on osbot or any other forum (proves: removed)


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I basically leveled this guy's entire account and had no problems at all 

I did 1.5k attack potions for a few mill to help him get one of his stats he needed cause he's kinda a friend to me good customer but I don't think like that 

I told him not todo unless dbuff for agility for reasons like this

please take my name out im trying to get cleared on my twc 


agility bans happen if you have multiple accounts!!! at same time duhhh


also ive done his 62 mining his 85 construction I leveled his account stats so many other ways like thieving combat skills

it took me like 2 days to get 600 points in pest control cause I kept failing for being afk

I accepted his task as a friend for herblore and did with 2 hours on the side


I don't keep screen shots but pest control was done via runelite but he was so high str lvl it never lvl'd i don't believe and I did the herblore on a side computer and only have osrs on it as its fresh install nothing else I can show you my set up what ever you want but I've invested into this guys account and know the risks but agilitity is the highest banned skill and there has been multiple updates and he was hit within

1-2 days of doing agility that means it was due to AGILITY

and also you can get off the bot and take screenshots anytime easy especially agility since its so slow I take s/s on request only and he has had no problems with me 

i also turned down the agility job due to the fact ive had it happen 2 times where i was DOING IT LEGIT AND WAS BANNED 

told his to use dbuff and he didn't


i can show you s/s of me telling him slow cause of me failing / need more time on pest control me giving him updates on how many points i got etc etc 

I've don't absolutely no botting on this guys account and told him the risks he was getting into going else where for what he needed 



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the pest control was Thursday - Friday and the herblore was Saturday like 11 to 12:30pm, nothing was botted on my end and also may i add that runescape updated 2 times after the fact at least i know of and speaking in botting terms its also due to the thing you last have done which in this case was agility from lvl 52-62 i think.... cause i finished the void service Fridday and done nothing else except the attack potions which took me and hour n half todo.


so seems like he was on the account doing agility for almost 2 days, i know i cant do agility that fast and do other things aswell

and to note if he was doing anything other related he could have tripped a ban its happened to me why i don't accept agility anymore


if i botted anything he would have been banned on Saturday, you can get banned on the weekends aswell per say everyone saying you cant

i if the guy is saying he didn't then it was due to him having multiple things up which he admits to since he said he so busy so much workers are full etc etc 


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bro, you dont get banned if you arent botting lol.

how do you get banned for legiting in runescape.


mods let me know if you need anything else from me i will let you handle this because 

void : started thursday, finished friday ( i finished the last 50 points myself because he didnt do them,)

Saturday: 2:02 PM herblore started

Saturday 3:30 PM herblore finished




idk weird he offers me starter acc, kinda worthless to me wtf imma do with a starter account, but like he said i did pay for 85% of everything done on the account.  acc is basically trash now since its got a 2day ban and if i wanted an account with a 2 day ban i would have just bought an account instead of spending hundreds of dollars having it made.  AND WASTING HUNDREDS OF HOURS WAITING ON THE LEVELING / SERVICES to be done for acc to be completed, which the account was about complete finally


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id say the last time greengo was on the account would have to be Saturday @ 3:30 PM when he finished the herblore 


yeah that really seems like i really wanted to scam you noob

telling you i can do stuff on the side for you now cause guess why????? i make few accounts on side so im busy at sand crabs... only on like 8 hours or less a day atm wonder why i said that too and your pest control had to be finished by you lol..... 

i can show the mods the messages of me saying that aswell just let me know if needed 

also i was kept out of the loop and never told it was even a 2 day ban.... i thought it was a perm


pretty interesting knowing Russian guy isn't going to pay anything cause im sure not if you thought you are gonna get anything from me then 


i owe him 50 pest control points i admit to that rofl 

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you dont owe me 50 pest control points, i never said you scammed me. also i never said it was perm banned ? i told mod it was unbanned today lol... its up to mods what happens but regardless someone botted on my acc and its trashed now, you had info to the account the whole time you could have checked if it was permed. its not my fault you didnt know

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i don't go onto peoples account willy nilly…. not going to be responsible for wealth taken etc etc, either way passwords should have been changed each service 

i can show screen shots of him not telling me anything about a 2 day ban and only showing me 

"Account disabled" login photo which lead me to believe it was a perm which why i told him what i could offer but i WAS GOING TO LET THE MODS FIGURE IT OUT cause im not responsible for anything past my service and especially if another one starts for almost 2 days or was it 1 day and he leveled all that and ran his business too....

if you want a tutorial im glad to show you how this is done so you guys don't go saying its impossible or anything

void service shouldn't even be in question 

i would not risk your account on herblore which took me hour and half and made few mill as a friend after i spent my hours making it for you


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@Jams while its unfortunate what happened to your account, we cant really pin this onto one person and involving both people in a refund wouldn't be fair. Primarily, this is your fault for choosing to hire two people to do services on your account. Therefore, we'll be closing this without requiring anyone to pay for anything.

Dispute closed.

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