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Ultimate AIO Slayer


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4 minutes ago, ozdv said:

Does this fully support nieve? Like I can just plug it in and it will do all nieve tasks?

Yes it supports every task for Nieve except Kraken and Scarabrites because it was very difficult to code the bot to kill these. THE Script will log out if you get these tasks but those tasks are blocked behind high level quests so it only applies to you if you're acc is really high and quested 

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5 minutes ago, Juggles said:

Is there a reason you want it to kill them in the slayer dungeon over slayer tower? 

You could add the possbility of cannon support to this task if it's in the slayer cave.

I'm all about the slayer EXP over profit in the early levels :doge:

Edited by lukey372
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Any ideas why it uses glory then walks to giant bat task instead of using cammy teleport?  I have them in bank

I had to manually pause the script then tele to cammy so it wouldn't walk through the ice mountain again... i think that is how my last two accounts got banned.. either this or the agility bot...

Logs: [INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:52 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:52 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Wearing slayer gear == true
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Get slayer gear
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: needGearnull
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Withdraw gear from bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Grabbing slayer gear.
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + Purple cape
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + Amulet of glory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:53 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Wearing slayer gear == true
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Get slayer gear
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: needGearnull
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Withdraw gear from bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Grabbing slayer gear.
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + Purple cape
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + Amulet of glory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Wearing slayer gear == true
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Get slayer gear
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: needGearnull
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Withdraw gear from bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Grabbing slayer gear.
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + Purple cape
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + Amulet of glory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:54 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Wearing slayer gear == true
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Get slayer gear
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: needGearnull
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Withdraw gear from bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Grabbing slayer gear.
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + Purple cape
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + Amulet of glory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Wearing slayer gear == true
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Get slayer gear
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: needGearnull
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Withdraw gear from bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Grabbing slayer gear.
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + Purple cape
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + Amulet of glory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:55 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Wearing slayer gear == true
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Get slayer gear
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: needGearnull
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Withdraw gear from bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Grabbing slayer gear.
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + Purple cape
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + Amulet of glory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Item + null
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Terminating script UltimateSlayer...
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:56 PM]: Script UltimateSlayer has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:35:59 PM]: Loaded 3 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 0 - Adamant full helm
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 1 - Purple cape
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 2 - Amulet of glory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 3 - Adamant scimitar
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 4 - Adamant platebody
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 5 - Adamant kiteshield
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 6 - Adamant platelegs
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 7 - Combat bracelet(6)
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:05 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 8 - Adamant boots
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:06 PM]: Vannaka selected
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:06 PM]: Set eating theshold: 61-37
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:10 PM]: Set task: Giant bat
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:10 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:10 PM]: Open bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:12 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:12 PM]: hasDeposited
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:12 PM]: Deposit all items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:13 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:13 PM]: withdrawItems
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:13 PM]: Grab glory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:13 PM]: Withdraw glory from bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:14 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:14 PM]: withdrawItems
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:14 PM]: Get food
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:16 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:16 PM]: withdrawItems
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:17 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:18 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:18 PM]: Script UltimateSlayer has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:34 PM]: Script UltimateSlayer has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:34 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:36:37 PM]: true true
[INFO][Bot #1][06/11 07:37:06 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!

Edited by ak4146
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