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grey border around thread image


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when uploading my thread image i got always a grey border like this --> http://prntscr.com/ku3hz5

is there any solution to fix it? i don't have it on the other forum where i've upload it to. 


Edit: seems to be something within the admin panel. 

If you want to change or get rid of the border from Attached Images in IPS 4...do this

Open your Theme - CSS - Core - Global - Framework - misc.css

Look for these lines...and change border to 0px

/* ======================================================== */
.ipsImage {
max-width: 100%; /* makes them responsive */
height: auto;

.ipsImage_thumbnailed {
border: 1px solid #E2E2E2;
padding: 1px;

/* A resized image */
.ipsThumb {
border: 1px solid #E2E2E2;


Edited by Master00j
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5 hours ago, Maldesto said:

Thanks for report, I'm aware, but dont see a reason to go editing little things like this as ipb updates and breaks our custom edits anyways.

I never really had issues with that tbh, if you're looking for someone that can do these tasks, speaking for myself, I wouldn't mind doing these really.

Edited by Rudie
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