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Hiring \ looking for a singers [parodys]?


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So I know this is a weird request, especially  but I'm looking to hire some singers and rappers for my  new and upcoming parody youtube channel. I am basically a wanna be comedian and have been taking the piss out of songs for years now and all my mates and friends have told me to release my parodys, I decided to record one by my self and I sound like something dieing, it sounds absolutely horrible. 

I'm basically looking for singers that can sing songs that have a really good sense of humor, some of my parody's cover some really dark and disturbing topics and some cover video games kind of like the channel nerd out or the key of awesome in away. I'm looking to do my first parody this month and looking for a singer and looking to pay, I have been looking on fiverr but they seem a bit expensive and youtube artists never reply back. I have a deal that if the song and channel gets big then half of the profits for the songs that people have sung will go to them so it's 50/50 for me and the singer if the songs get big and a payment upfront to record the song to be able to release it. 

So the question is does anyone know where I can find singers, or any one willing to volunteer and help me with this dream. 

Thank you. 

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37 minutes ago, Jueix said:

So I know this is a weird request, especially  but I'm looking to hire some singers and rappers for my  new and upcoming parody youtube channel. I am basically a wanna be comedian and have been taking the piss out of songs for years now and all my mates and friends have told me to release my parodys, I decided to record one by my self and I sound like something dieing, it sounds absolutely horrible. 

I'm basically looking for singers that can sing songs that have a really good sense of humor, some of my parody's cover some really dark and disturbing topics and some cover video games kind of like the channel nerd out or the key of awesome in away. I'm looking to do my first parody this month and looking for a singer and looking to pay, I have been looking on fiverr but they seem a bit expensive and youtube artists never reply back. I have a deal that if the song and channel gets big then half of the profits for the songs that people have sung will go to them so it's 50/50 for me and the singer if the songs get big and a payment upfront to record the song to be able to release it. 

So the question is does anyone know where I can find singers, or any one willing to volunteer and help me with this dream. 

Thank you. 

Good luck.

Unfortunately, im a rapper, I do melodic rapping.

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I have a candidate autist-type singer you might be interested in. 

oczosinkolegend, if anyone is familiar with the HLTV forums then you know what I'm talking about.
Granted he mainly seems to do songs about professional CS:GO players I think if you manage to convince him to work with you you won't be disappointed. 

This guy started out as a meme and at this point we can't really tell if he's actually trying or 'meme-ing'.. 

For reference, here's a sample:

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1 hour ago, Rxd said:

Rucka Rucka Ali


i'm very big gay, only suck Cock sometimes

Do you realize whats in your signature?


LOL no i dont see that ?

1 hour ago, Rxd said:

Rucka Rucka Ali


i'm very big gay, only suck Cock sometimes

Do you realize whats in your signature?


there is this guy that he gets into my profile non stop lol i dont bother change paasword anymor

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15 hours ago, Rxd said:

Rucka Rucka Ali


i'm very big gay, only suck Cock sometimes

Do you realize whats in your signature?


I feel as if my songs are worse than Rucka Rucka Ali's to be honest, Might sing the song my self (though it sounds like something dying) and release it and see if anyone wants to sing it for me haha. 

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So I decided to get the balls and sing it my self (the song quality is shit but I found it to be the best verison I can do with my voice and speech inpedement) Going to make a lyric video for it now and hopefully release it. 

The song is really sick and I know i'm going to get a lot of hate for it. 

Thanks for the help guys.

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