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OSRS Ban Megathread - 9/27/2018


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  On 8/30/2018 at 2:41 PM, face of dead said:

Client: Injection

Account age before ban: over 10 years old

Time Spent Online: probably + 200/300 hours play time.

Bot actions performed: Running Zulrah bot.

Man this one hit fucking hard. I have been botting Zulrah on my main for over 700 + kills and a whole ton of other scripts with 0 bans on anything previously. Woke up this morning to my main getting perm banned. Fuck Jagex, you motherfuckers. I'm going to be suiciding a main from scratch basically botting all my stats now and doing my quests manually. Such a sad day but here is some more data, just goes to show doesn't matter how well protected you think your stats are... You will still get banned at some point or another. NEVER bot on an account that you wouldn't risk losing, definitely learned this the hard way now.


Damn that sucks.

Was this Fruitys zulrah?

I used to run a tiny farm with Fruitys (starting off with my maxed zerker and later started to run 3-4 accounts).

Each account managed 2k kills+ before being banned, however it seems that Zulrah is much riskier than it was 5/6 months ago.


Good luck with the grind though

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  On 8/31/2018 at 7:54 AM, nasty said:

Damn that sucks.

Was this Fruitys zulrah?

I used to run a tiny farm with Fruitys (starting off with my maxed zerker and later started to run 3-4 accounts).

Each account managed 2k kills+ before being banned, however it seems that Zulrah is much riskier than it was 5/6 months ago.


Good luck with the grind though


Yes, this was using Fruity Zulrah. We all know his script is amazing @Fruity, I think what it had to do was that Jagex was monitoring it much more closely. I had 2 accounts banned in a span of less than 3 days.

Also - an update to the thread - came back this morning after staying out last night to find 3 accounts banned. My fault for not using a proxy - but I was using Juggles AIO Shop Buyer,  Perfect Magic AIO, and also Frost Barrows.


GG to the bot farm dream, I think I'm just gonna start from scratch and suicide bot as coming up with all of these methods seems to be counter-productive as these accounts get banned so quickly anyhow.

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  On 9/2/2018 at 9:04 PM, face of dead said:

Yes, this was using Fruity Zulrah. We all know his script is amazing @Fruity, I think what it had to do was that Jagex was monitoring it much more closely. I had 2 accounts banned in a span of less than 3 days.

Also - an update to the thread - came back this morning after staying out last night to find 3 accounts banned. My fault for not using a proxy - but I was using Juggles AIO Shop Buyer,  Perfect Magic AIO, and also Frost Barrows.


GG to the bot farm dream, I think I'm just gonna start from scratch and suicide bot as coming up with all of these methods seems to be counter-productive as these accounts get banned so quickly anyhow.


Got my mained banned 2015 for Zulrah high level acc. Never touching zulrah again since then or ever with botting. Currently working on my 1st legit acc in years. Got another account banned a week ago with methods that I've done back then but I guess jagex have caught on. It might just be me but I think it's currently that hardest to bot than it has ever been.

Edited by Keebler
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This will be slightly different as instead of account bans I have been hit with dozens of account locks lately, and I thought it would be helpful in this thread:

Account locks suffered: 35

Timeframe from when account locks occurred: 9/1/2018-9/3/2018 around 06-08 AM EST.

Timeframe to account locks: Within 20-30 minutes of account creation

Reason for account locks: No botting, all hand done accounts, legitimate emails and tutorial island ran through legitimate.

Message received for accounts: We believe this account is stolen, therefore locked.

Account ages: less than a day each. I did notice on about 15 accounts of the 35 (which were all created over a month ago, by hand) they also got locked within a half an hour.

Potential Fix: When using a VPN, create the email account on the VPN and the runescape account. I was using Runelite and when I would do everything they would suffer locks.


When I switched to using the official Oldschool client (on the VPN) I stopped receiving account locks.

Thought this might help. Cheers. <3

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  On 9/3/2018 at 5:31 PM, face of dead said:

Yeah my final account I was on just got banned. Done with botting and shit for a bit. Going to try to look at services again... Wish me luck guys.


Good Luck. Services are going to be on a rise here soon. The ban rates are just rising too high right now. It's almost getting to the almost sketchy level of RS3 in terms of ability to bot. (from my P.O.V).

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  On 9/3/2018 at 6:01 PM, face of dead said:

Agreed man, hopefully my TWC appeal goes through. I just can't see botting continuing to be a thing at least with the level of bans being experienced by everyone here.


Well Pay your debts and showcase yourself to the community that your willing to give it a shot XD @Chris

Whatever landed you in TWC you need to own up, but this thread is someone's ban compendium so if you wanna talk just PM me. I don't want this thread to get off-topic and cluttered.

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  On 8/30/2018 at 2:41 PM, face of dead said:

Client: Injection

Account age before ban: over 10 years old

Time Spent Online: probably + 200/300 hours play time.

Bot actions performed: Running Zulrah bot.

Man this one hit fucking hard. I have been botting Zulrah on my main for over 700 + kills and a whole ton of other scripts with 0 bans on anything previously. Woke up this morning to my main getting perm banned. Fuck Jagex, you motherfuckers. I'm going to be suiciding a main from scratch basically botting all my stats now and doing my quests manually. Such a sad day but here is some more data, just goes to show doesn't matter how well protected you think your stats are... You will still get banned at some point or another. NEVER bot on an account that you wouldn't risk losing, definitely learned this the hard way now.



  On 9/3/2018 at 2:29 PM, Knuckolls said:

This will be slightly different as instead of account bans I have been hit with dozens of account locks lately, and I thought it would be helpful in this thread:

Account locks suffered: 35

Timeframe from when account locks occurred: 9/1/2018-9/3/2018 around 06-08 AM EST.

Timeframe to account locks: Within 20-30 minutes of account creation

Reason for account locks: No botting, all hand done accounts, legitimate emails and tutorial island ran through legitimate.

Message received for accounts: We believe this account is stolen, therefore locked.

Account ages: less than a day each. I did notice on about 15 accounts of the 35 (which were all created over a month ago, by hand) they also got locked within a half an hour.

Potential Fix: When using a VPN, create the email account on the VPN and the runescape account. I was using Runelite and when I would do everything they would suffer locks.


When I switched to using the official Oldschool client (on the VPN) I stopped receiving account locks.

Thought this might help. Cheers. <3


Thanks for your input!

Update: My main is still alive. I haven't been botting very much though. I'd estimate probably 4 hours of woodcutting, 4 hours of agility total in the last few days. No legit gameplay.

Edited by Logicfury
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  On 9/3/2018 at 5:31 PM, face of dead said:

Yeah my final account I was on just got banned. Done with botting and shit for a bit. Going to try to look at services again... Wish me luck guys.


Try making a legit acc from fresh bro. Kinda new. You can also auto click :) Im doing a half legit half autoclick for some afk skills rn. Way better than botting.

Like other botters here have said it feels good and is kinda fun to play legit again.

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  On 9/6/2018 at 2:32 PM, Logicfury said:

Hey brother. How old were the accounts? Quested?



One was my main with 150 qp and 1500 total, 6 year old account with bot busting and macro minor on record from years ago. Other is a week old only agility done. I figured I'd trigger it. I was just playing my luck.

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I`ve had a lot of accs banned over the last months..! Main got banned, alt got banned like 3 months ago.. And now i can`t get started again.. every fucking time i try to make a new acc it getts banned in a few weeks.. Yeasterday i took a rested F2P acc with like 30 combat, bought a bond and bottet for like 20 mins, Perfect Fighter on Varrock guards 2. floor. Woke up today to a ban... Like WTF is going on? Something changed over this summer... Hope the dev team getts it right and does something with this.. Miss the times when i could bot some and play some.. :)

Edited by Triovani
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