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[500-700K GP/H] [5-5.5K Planks/H] Butler Planking


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Script is ready for release, except for setting up the sawmill task with butler.

For context, setting up the task is using the log on the butler and saying take 26 to the sawmill to initialize the task.

The using log on the butler part isn't working, but I am being told this could be a problem with the new update breaking OSBot temporarily. 

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CHome 1.0


  • Start in Lumbridge PVP World Safe Zone, next to bank chest
  • Have Law Runes and Coins in inventory
  • Have Dust Staff equipped
  • Have Oak Logs in Bank, preferably at top left of primary bank tab for fastest results
    • In the off chance the bot disconnects while in your house, when logging back in the account will be outside the house portal in an unguarded area!
    • Use OSBot's default account.
  • Select Log Type from Gui, Currently only mahogany and oak logs.
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  On 3/10/2018 at 12:16 AM, Tw3nty said:

In_House boolean seems to always be set to true hence the scripts tries to call servant even when in Lumbridge.


Edit: Decompiled the jar myself and fixed it. Would recommend just using OSBot's isInHouse() method. 


Good to know! Curious why my function doesn't work though, I used configs which I assume is how isInHouse() operates as well.

  On 3/11/2018 at 6:03 PM, sudoinit6 said:

Shouldn't you list 30 magic and 30 attack as a requirement too due to the Dust Battlestaff?


Dust Battlestaff is only a temporary requirement, support for solely runes will be added and phials support is to come

If anyone wants to supply me with pictures of them running the bot, that'd be awesome :)

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  On 3/12/2018 at 1:01 PM, withoutidols said:

Good to know! Curious why my function doesn't work though, I used configs which I assume is how isInHouse() operates as well.

Dust Battlestaff is only a temporary requirement, support for solely runes will be added and phials support is to come

If anyone wants to supply me with pictures of them running the bot, that'd be awesome :)


Whatcha think lifespan of these accounts is? Might look into making a few and testing it out.

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  On 3/12/2018 at 1:32 PM, leony said:


does nothing once starting, goes in bank and just get's out 26 oak logs and does nothing


Try the new link, I updated the isInHouse method to use OSBot's. Script is working locally for me now.

  On 3/10/2018 at 12:16 AM, Tw3nty said:

In_House boolean seems to always be set to true hence the scripts tries to call servant even when in Lumbridge.


Edit: Decompiled the jar myself and fixed it. Would recommend just using OSBot's isInHouse() method. 


Thank you for the bug report, and figuring out the problem for me. Greatly appreciated @Tw3nty

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  On 3/12/2018 at 1:15 PM, Signatures said:

Whatcha think lifespan of these accounts is? Might look into making a few and testing it out.


Suicide botted two accounts over the weekend. Made 15m profit after expenses. One is currently banned and I'm assuming the other will be soon. Trained both the accounts by hand and took my around 2 hours per. Route I took was 40 magic -> Vampire Slayer + Fight Arena -> 50 construction. 

  On 3/12/2018 at 1:40 PM, withoutidols said:

Try the new link, I updated the isInHouse method to use OSBot's. Script is working locally for me now.

Thank you for the bug report, and figuring out the problem for me. Greatly appreciated @Tw3nty


No problem. :) Thank you for the script!

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  On 3/12/2018 at 3:50 PM, sudoinit6 said:

I would really love to know how you did all that in 2 hours. I am not saying you didn't, I would really like to know.


Made a notepad with all the supplies I needed and traded them over immediately.

1-40 Magic

1-3 Wind Bolt 

3-25 Confuse/Weaken/Curse

25-40 Teleports

Should take less than an hour.



Vampire Slayer takes less than 5 minutes.

Fight Arena takes around 10.


1-50 Construction

Using Teleport to house/banking in castle wars took me under an hour to do 50 construction. To be fair you have to be pretty focused to do this part but once you get into a rhythm you can easily do a round trip in under 30 seconds doing oak larders. This works out to about 172k xp/hr. 38-50 is 70k xp so that's 20 minutes at the previous rate. 1-38 takes the same length of time.    


Don't mind sharing because I don't think I'll be making these accounts again; might not be worth it considering how fast they get banned even on a weekend. 

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