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APA Rooftop Agility


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On 7/23/2018 at 2:55 PM, JCY said:

Hey Apa! I know this is a big request, but I don't know anyone that uses the minimap for actual agility. If the script pre-rotated the camera movement for the next obstacle, I think this script would be perfect. I'm not a wizard, but I feel like that could reduce the ban rate as well. Most, if not all scripts use the minimap, and I think it raises the change of being banned! I can't really ever use this script cause I get banned quite fast, I think if you added the pre-rotating that could be massive, besides that the script functions perfectly as intended!

Hi Apa, i think this is a great idea! 
Also, idk why, but i think this script is why i keep getting banned whenever i try to start over.. And guys.. this script is awsome! used it alot, but i think jagex maybe targeting agility alot more now than before cuz i newer had any problems with it in the past. 

But apa.. If you maybe could try to make some changes (like this one) it may be kind of safe to use again? I loved this script, but would not recommend to use this right now.. (been using it for like max an hour/day and still gotten banned) 

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3 hours ago, AdedBiatch said:

Umm why no Gnome Stronghold?

The script is a Rooftop script - if I were to add other courses, this would become a full AIO agility script and as such the price would need increasing to be in line with other AIO agility scripts. I'd much rather keep the price as low as it is now!


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3 hours ago, Apaec said:

The script is a Rooftop script - if I were to add other courses, this would become a full AIO agility script and as such the price would need increasing to be in line with other AIO agility scripts. I'd much rather keep the price as low as it is now!


I have breaks enable and it doesn't work. As for the actual script it's self is there a way to get it to actual takes breaks for example 1 hour logout 5 min break.

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5 hours ago, AdedBiatch said:

I have breaks enable and it doesn't work. As for the actual script it's self is there a way to get it to actual takes breaks for example 1 hour logout 5 min break.


Breaks are all handled by OSBot, you can configure them through the OSBot options menu - hopefully this will have the functionality you are looking for! (You know breaks are on when it logs in the console that you will take a break in x amount of time).


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Account temporarily banned for macroing in OldSchool. Our macro detection system has been monitoring your account closely and has detected that you are using illegal 3rd party software which violates the rules of the game and breaches your terms of service with Jagex. Our team have reviewed the evidence and can confirm that you were using illegal botting software. Jagex are able to accurately detect all illegal 3rd party software and any promises from their makers about being 'totally undetectable' or 'no ban guaranteed' are inaccurate. As such your account has been temporarily removed from the game. Please take this time to familiarise yourself with the rules.

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1 hour ago, AdedBiatch said:

Account temporarily banned for macroing in OldSchool. Our macro detection system has been monitoring your account closely and has detected that you are using illegal 3rd party software which violates the rules of the game and breaches your terms of service with Jagex. Our team have reviewed the evidence and can confirm that you were using illegal botting software. Jagex are able to accurately detect all illegal 3rd party software and any promises from their makers about being 'totally undetectable' or 'no ban guaranteed' are inaccurate. As such your account has been temporarily removed from the game. Please take this time to familiarise yourself with the rules.


5 hours ago, shades50 said:

Got banned after running this script for 4hours. breaking every 20-25minutes for 5-10minutes. Do not recommended 

So uh... Ive used this for 6 months with 20 minute sessions max, here and there, and even thats pushing it. I think you guys need to manage your bot schedule better cause that is sloppy. Running a bot on a main account for intervals like the second comment is asking to be banned. He literally just made a pattern for them to pick up,"  every 20-25minutes for 5-10minutes ". Come on wisen up people it's not the scripters fault its YOURS. :)

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30 minutes ago, jujufu12 said:


So uh... Ive used this for 6 months with 20 minute sessions max, here and there, and even thats pushing it. I think you guys need to manage your bot schedule better cause that is sloppy. Running a bot on a main account for intervals like the second comment is asking to be banned. He literally just made a pattern for them to pick up,"  every 20-25minutes for 5-10minutes ". Come on wisen up people it's not the scripters fault its YOURS. :)

No one ever said it was the scripters fault. Agility is just high risk.

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1 minute ago, Apaec said:


I'm sorry to hear this, please could you let me know what it is that you do not like about the script?



4 hours with a 30 min break and got banned using it. I think that's why everyone is complaining i think it needs a update my man. Script so good i think it moves to fast. Maybe add a new anti ban/pattern system.

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9 hours ago, AdedBiatch said:

4 hours with a 30 min break and got banned using it. I think that's why everyone is complaining i think it needs a update my man. Script so good i think it moves to fast. Maybe add a new anti ban/pattern system.

There's not much I can do on the scripts end which will prevent bans. It's all about maximising botting efficiency while keeping a low profile! Keep sessions short, use generous breaks, and play legit inbetween sessions and you should be fine


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