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Account sales minimum value to prevent scammers.


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Account section suggestion, Minimum value to prevent scammers.



I had a customer come to me who had bought a maxed main with all the trimmings b gloves voids lunars everything for 180m and had it recovered for for 500m+ bank 

someone who knows the market knows an account that for that price is extremely likely to be a scam. but new users do not..


How it happens 

The account sales section has been pestered with scammers selling very very nice accounts extremely cheap to entice victims.

They build up a little bit of feedback then sell a high end account for well under half the price from trusted sellers

This is leading to multiple scams every month, Anyone who follows the dispute section can see them and im sure alot of them could be avoided 



Suggestion to fix/Decrease the ammount

I suggest a minimum price (total xp times x)

This should be a very low amount like 2 or 3x to ensure account prices in normal circumstances are not effected 

But it should cover the crazy listings like a maxed b gloves zerker with 94 magic 99 range for 80m


in 95% of cases these sales lead to scams

and the 1/20 who sell that cheap in legit circumstances i.e. they need cash fast will likely regret it down the line and possibly scam 



Example of Account minimum value 

If the minimum value is set Total xp times 3

Accounts would have to be listed with total xp visible (end digits could be blured for safety if they like)

max mains with range and mage (78m xp would be 234M)

maxed main staker mimum (52m total xp would be 156m)

maxed zerks (30-50mxp would be 90-150m)

Max pure (39m xp would be 117M)

Normal low level accs wouldnt be effected as they have pretty low xp

like a 70 70 70 nmz account only has 2.2m xp so it would be 6.6m


It may not be a perfect system but surely something can be done to prevent these sales


any thoughts and other ideas very welcome 

Edited by Chuckle
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3 minutes ago, upotudrop said:

or just have staff members vote if the acc should be allowed to be sold etc.,

You can never truly know persons intentions, even if they've been here for awhile. People have been known to scamquit after several thousand feedback, just because they don't want to be in it anymore and need an excuse not to return basically. Not to mention the everyday scammers lol.


On topic; I agree, but it would complicate things A LOT, I think something different is needed, maybe similar, but restricting prices is pretty strict.

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1 minute ago, Theminis said:

You can never truly know persons intentions, even if they've been here for awhile. People have been known to scamquit after several thousand feedback, just because they don't want to be in it anymore and need an excuse not to return basically. Not to mention the everyday scammers lol.


On topic; I agree, but it would complicate things A LOT, I think something different is needed, maybe similar, but restricting prices is pretty strict.

You're correct, however a rare scam is better than every bitch and his child ||

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The idea as a whole is alright, i think. However, the whole (Xp times x) for minimum account value just wont work. There's a lot of reasons why, mainly being some type of accounts might have a lower total xp but could cost a lot more than accounts with higher total xps. Thats besides the fact that not every skill are equal in value. 

The "proper" way to go about it would be to have a group of people (Staff/members) who have experience in account sales in particular, price check each account that is wanting to be sold and deducting 30% of that value as its minimum value. 30% might seem like a lot, but a lot of times some people just want to get an account sold.

However i doubt this suggestion will materialise due to it requiring multiple members with added permissions (Which probably wont happen) or members of the staff team forming that group which also wont happen since im probably the only one on there who is market-active (regarding accounts). 

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33 minutes ago, Luna said:

All increasing the price would do is increase the gp scammed?

It would remove the appeal to and ability to buy extremely cheap obvious scam accs

also drives price up closer to the safer options
stops scammers diluting the market

it has a few obvious benefits and I cant think of many draw backs apart from moderation
could be wrong tho.

Edited by Chuckle
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13 minutes ago, Chuckle said:

It would remove the appeal to and ability to buy extremely cheap obvious scam accs

also drives price up closer to the safer options
stops scammers diluting the market

it has a few obvious benefits and I cant think of many draw backs apart from moderation
could be wrong tho.

This, basically. If you see someone with 20 fb and hes selling an account for 250m and someone with 200 fb and hes selling a similar account for 300m. Pretty obvious who the choice would be, 9 times out of 10. 

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Accounts is just a really tricky thing. I personally would not be up for this as there can be workarounds or people just get on Skype and sell for lower than their thread and there's nothing to stop this.

I tried something a while back to prevent account scams, somewhat. But I haven't really been active to update it and it's just gone to garbage lately, unfortunately.

I think the best way is just to try and educate people. Setting a minimum price isn't going to help too much, in my opinion. People are going to scam regardless and setting a minimum will just now let scammers get more money for the accounts they're planning to recover anyway. It's not really helping aside  from delaying the sale a little bit due to the increase in price.


Edit: And honestly, unless you're getting the account to just stake, stats and XP isn't a true indication of an accounts worth. There are a lot of extra stuff that adds value to an account besides just XP.


Edited by RoomScape
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