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AIO Farming

Eagle Scripts

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8 minutes ago, JaysTurmoil said:

With that being the case, what order do you recommend doing the patches in? Currently I am doing Falador -> Kourend -> Catherby -> Ardougne. With timing being a factor I would also suggest looking into house teleport tabs for Kourend instead of walking to help speed it up. Overall however I do really enjoy this script, it is a good addition to my collection.

Glad to hear you like it :)

As for the order, I'd recommend doing Kourend as your last patch :)

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14 minutes ago, guywithlsd said:

considering how easy it is to add that, it's super weird it's not even on to-do list :doge:

Nowhere did I state it was hard, nor do I think you can know how easy/hard it is as you don't know how the project is structured :boge:

7 minutes ago, Redfel said:

Any chance I could snag a trial?

Of course buddy, granted :)

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7 hours ago, tyoui said:

How's the xp per hour and will you add trees later?

Hard to tell as it's really relying on what plant you're doing.

Trees will maybe be supported after the OSRS Farming Update has been pushed.

3 hours ago, JaysTurmoil said:

Script is still not using supercompost when selected.

Please confirm if the new version is live by trying to start the script without having any location added; does it tell you it can not start the script?

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10 hours ago, Eagle Scripts said:

Please confirm if the new version is live by trying to start the script without having any location added; does it tell you it can not start the script?

My fault, Supercompost is working now. But found new issues! Firstly, when the script has to fill watering can at fally, it just stands at bank with Logger spamming WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. I have to manually fill it for the script to continue. Secondly I just saw the script attempt to use the charter ships at Catherby to get to Kourend which is not possible. No matter where I start it, the script now only goes to Catherby to attempt to get to Kourend and gets stuck while logger spamming the same thing.

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3 minutes ago, JaysTurmoil said:

My fault, Supercompost is working now. But found new issues! Firstly, when the script has to fill watering can at fally, it just stands at bank with Logger spamming WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. I have to manually fill it for the script to continue. Secondly I just saw the script attempt to use the charter ships at Catherby to get to Kourend which is not possible. No matter where I start it, the script now only goes to Catherby to attempt to get to Kourend and gets stuck while logger spamming the same thing.

Unfortunately this is a WebWalker related issue. Have you had to download new WebWalking files?

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11 minutes ago, JaysTurmoil said:

What would cause the script to not log back in for a second run? Currently looking at -12 minutes to log back in. Has gone higher in previous attempts without ever logging back in.

I'll look into it somewhere this weekend. In the end it should always login though. Let it run for another hour and you'll see it'll probably login.

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