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Dispute against ProjectPact


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@ProjectPact was the mod that dealt with my dispute, and due to their incompetence they leaked 2 of my acc usernames. I then made a dispute against the user which was taken down by them and they said "not to waste their time." 



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'Tis true. I told him not to waste my time making another dispute in an already over populated dispute section. Instead of pm'ing me letting me know one of his usernames was still on the evidence, he opened a report.


I've got an idea! Maybe hide usernames and password in pictures where it isn't pertained in the dispute? Sorry was handling every dispute at the moment and overlooked a username.


Also, it is very biased if I withhold ALL information from the person you are disputing. How will they be able to know what was said about them? How would they be able to defend themselves? 

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32 minutes ago, ProjectPact said:

'Tis true. I told him not to waste my time making another dispute in an already over populated dispute section. Instead of pm'ing me letting me know one of his usernames was still on the evidence, he opened a report.


I've got an idea! Maybe hide usernames and password in pictures where it isn't pertained in the dispute? Sorry was handling every dispute at the moment and overlooked a username.


Also, it is very biased if I withhold ALL information from the person you are disputing. How will they be able to know what was said about them? How would they be able to defend themselves? 

...... I did contact you before I made the dispute, I quoted you in the original thread and said to take it down, when that didn't happen quickly I made the new dispute so it would get noticed. And if the other person wants to see the evidence, that's fine we can share it with him thru pm's or something thru the site so only the people involved see the evidence and not the whole forum.

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7 minutes ago, IlliniGuy said:

...... I did contact you before I made the dispute, I quoted you in the original thread and said to take it down, when that didn't happen quickly I made the new dispute so it would get noticed. And if the other person wants to see the evidence, that's fine we can share it with him thru pm's or something thru the site so only the people involved see the evidence and not the whole forum.

You tagged me in it and then literally a few moments later, you opened a Dispute. And that isn't how a dispute works. Disputes are solved in the DISPUTE section, not in PM's.


Here is some real evidence for you... both made literally an hour ago:





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5 minutes ago, ProjectPact said:

You tagged me in it and then literally a few moments later, you opened a Dispute. And that isn't how a dispute works. Disputes are solved in the DISPUTE section, not in PM's.

It wasn't "a few moments later" I waited a few mins (thinking that it was hidden but I could see it still since I was the OP) and then I was contacted by someone else saying my username was leaked, so of course I want to get it noticed ASAP so other members of the forum doesn't see my username. And the only reason I put in a username that didn't pertain to the dispute was that I said to hide ALL evidence, so that the mods could see the full conversation and everything that was said to make the best decision for the dispute.

Edited by IlliniGuy
edit: misplaced word
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2 minutes ago, IlliniGuy said:

It wasn't "a few moments later" I waited a few mins (thinking that it was hidden but I could see it still since I was the OP) and then I was contacted by someone else saying my username was leaked, so of course I want to get it noticed ASAP so other members of the forum doesn't see my username. And the only reason I put in a username that didn't pertain to the dispute was that I said to hide ALL evidence, so that the mods could see the full conversation and everything that was said to make the best decision for the dispute.

look at my message above again.

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