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Perfect Sand Crabs


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16 hours ago, Risinglight said:

To clarify, I think a mode that would just AFK in a spot with aggressive crabs with auto retaliate on and eat/reset would be awesome! I'm worried about the script clicking on each crab while I'm AFK since humans don't click on the crabs while training afk.

1. Go to the tile you want to AFK.
2. Start script, enable no-food if you don't have food, set up inventory for pots/food.
3. Set both sliders to 1
4. Enable "Avoid-Retaliate" this is the option that lets the crabs attack first.
5. Start plugin and enjoy

Even then sometimes the bot will fuck up. You got to babysit it for the first aggro refresh to make sure it's working.

Suggestion for Czar:
When you refresh aggro the bot runs like, 3x farther than it has to (Sand Crabs: West). I am going from near bank to near the housing portal, when really all you need is to the wooded area/altar at the farthest. Seems pretty botty. Maybe introduce a better aggro-refresh feature?


Also the world-hopping when a tile is crashed did not work for me. I don't have the patience to test it out but I suggest you take a look at it. Swapped to the world switching page and then the mouse just stayed there.

Edited by AdditionalCarame
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