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Disputing HoneyDewBubbleT


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My apologies guys, to be frank I share this osbot account with my roommates (totaling 3 different logins) and I personally don't have any issue with paying money or anything and in fact before, I started moving back into my parents house for the rest of summer, I even told a lot of people in the chatbox @Juggles and muffin that I was planning to go lifetime soon. Anywho, we chip in our money (I chip in the most since I'm the only one with a job out of these college bums) to pay for $150+ scripts and VIP.  

I was literally gone for only two days and I come back to this. I am sorry guys. One of my roommates was being a dirty Jew trying to do a dispute all of the paypal transactions(not just osbot, literally every single transaction possible). I immediately canceled the disputes that I could and if any got through let me know, I'll pay up with my personal paypal account. 

I sincerely apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. I love this community and its scripters!

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6 hours ago, HoneyDewBubbleT said:



My apologies guys, to be frank I share this osbot account with my roommates (totaling 3 different logins) and I personally don't have any issue with paying money or anything and in fact before, I started moving back into my parents house for the rest of summer, I even told a lot of people in the chatbox @Juggles and muffin that I was planning to go lifetime soon. Anywho, we chip in our money (I chip in the most since I'm the only one with a job out of these college bums) to pay for $150+ scripts and VIP.  

I was literally gone for only two days and I come back to this. I am sorry guys. One of my roommates was being a dirty Jew trying to do a dispute all of the paypal transactions(not just osbot, literally every single transaction possible). I immediately canceled the disputes that I could and if any got through let me know, I'll pay up with my personal paypal account. 

I sincerely apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. I love this community and its scripters!

First of all, we do not allow account sharing. Change your password immediately and if you're found out to share after this, you will be punished severely. 

As for the dispute, the chargeback hasn't been completed so you can just drop the case and @TWC will have his money again. 

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