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If you have an account with Lunar Spellbook, private message me your RS username, password, and time when I can log onto your account. Please store all your items in the bank and secure your bank with a bank pin. This will be used to update the Lunar Spellbook section of our API. 

Alternatively if you already have VIP/Sponsor, I'll work with Maldesto on an extension. If you have Scripter/Lifetime, you'll get a warm cookie and a high five. 


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26 minutes ago, Alek said:

If you have an account with Lunar Spellbook, private message me your RS username, password, and time when I can log onto your account. Please store all your items in the bank and secure your bank with a bank pin. This will be used to update the Lunar Spellbook section of our API. 

Alternatively if you already have VIP/Sponsor, I'll work with Maldesto on an extension. If you have Scripter/Lifetime, you'll get a warm cookie and a high five. 


If u still need just pm me on chatbox or forums

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