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Islam - Fighting Propaganda with Truth

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2 minutes ago, MLK said:

That was his statistics not mine, his own statistics actually prove that there's an over representation of Muslim rapists compared to their population size. And when you factor in that 1.5% of that 3% are women, it's actually 1.5% of the population representing 12% of the rapists. Really helped me get my point across. :) 

I'm the same damn person lmfao. I'm asking where you got these 'statistics' about these rape gangs you're talking about. All I've seen you do so far is stall and chat shit :think:

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1 minute ago, Imateamcape said:
Please respond to anything I've said in the last 2 posts and I'll concede my entire argument. You've already wasted your entire arsenal of ignorance and BS. @MLK
  15 minutes ago, MLK said:

Answer what? If you're trying to say Islam is some wonderful religion and Muhammad was a wonderful man and etc, then that's your ship to sink in l0l.


Muhammad the paedophile was always good to Muslim men

, it's the Muslim women and none Muslims who he raped, killed and tortured etc.

If we look at some statistics, In the UK around 3% of the population are Muslim, 90% or more of terrorist related crimes in the UK are committed by Muslims and 90% of more of the paedophile rape gangs are Muslims. That's based on crime statistics which you can find and check for yourself. 

To me it's obvious; The Koran says to kill atheists and Mohammad was a confirmed paedophile. It's no surprise to me that 90% + of the terrorists and paedophile rape gangs in the UK are Muslim. 

Give me proof that Allah exists l0l, and don't assume my religion. :D

Ok. Let's break down how wrong this is. One thing at a time.


Muhammad the paedophile

Nope. Different times. You can't criticize something someone did in 600 CE and act like you are above the world and its rights because their society was inherently different from ours. With the consent of Aisha (ra) and both of her parents, Aisha (ra) was married off to the Prophet (saw). And the Prophet (saw) died when she was 18. And she (ra) never took another husband (saw) after him. In fact, after his death, she prayed continuously that God (saw) even allow her to see him in her dreams when she went to sleep. She spoke of him with the highest praise, constantly defending him from anybody that slandered him, etc. You cannot deny that what they had is 1000x better what a hateful little slimeball on the internet like yourself will ever have.


Muhammad the paedophile was always good to Muslim men

Wrong. In a hadith, there was actually a non-Muslim woman that lived beside him that used to throw trash on his lawn on a daily basis. One day, she stopped throwing trash on his lawn, and the Prophet (saw), bewildered that she had stopped, went to check on her...

"The story related about this incident, mentions a neighbor of the Prophet that tried her best to irritate him by throwing garbage in his way every day. One day, when he walked out of his home there was no garbage. This made the Prophet inquire about the old woman and he came to know that she was sick. The Prophet went to visit her and offer any assistance she might need. The old woman was extremely humbled and at the same time ashamed of her actions in light of the concern that the Prophet showed her. By seeing the example of compassion of Prophet Muhammad SAWS_sm__14x12.JPG, she became convinced that Islam must be a true religion that the Prophet was preaching. "

In another instance, there was a black woman that used to clean the masjid, and one day, the Prophet (saw) noticed she was missing. He asked where she went, and they told him she had died. He responded by asking why they hadn't told him, so he could've prayed for her on the day of her death, like they thought she wasn't important. Everyonewas important to the Prophet (saw). He was one of the most caring and passionate men in existence (saw).


If we look at some statistics, In the UK around 3% of the population are Muslim, 90% or more of terrorist related crimes in the UK are committed by Muslims and 90% of more of the paedophile rape gangs are Muslims. That's based on crime statistics which you can find and check for yourself. 

This is a social issue. I'm not even going to get into this because how you default to this shows me that you have no knowledge of Islam.



To me it's obvious; The Koran says to kill atheists and Mohammad was a confirmed paedophile. It's no surprise to me that 90% + of the terrorists and paedophile rape gangs in the UK are Muslim. 

Now that I've successfully deflected everything you've said, and you've exhausted your arsenal of ignorance, now you resort to baseless claims that show how little you know. Where is your fake anthropology degree now? It only took one person who had researched Islam in the internet to show how much of a fraud you are. Sad...


Give me proof that Allah exists l0l, and don't assume my religion.

If you can see that matter exists, then you know that God (swt) exists. Matter cannot exist without a creator.

You've literally proven nothing and made no valid points, arguing Aisha was 12 and not 9 and etc is just deflecting from the facts. If you come up with a factual argument that isn't based on some Harry Potter nonsense I might provide a rebuttal, for now though I see nothing that needs disputed, You're just waffling nonsense. You believe Mohammad rode up to heaven on a unicorn, entering into a debate with you would be a complete waste of time. :) 

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2 minutes ago, MLK said:

That was his statistics not mine, his own statistics actually prove that there's an over representation of Muslim rapists compared to their population size. And when you factor in that 1.5% of that 3% are women, it's actually 1.5% of the population representing 12% of the rapists. Really helped me get my point across. :) 

Gg. the fact that you won't answer my post shows that you've been gamed in religion. Let's move onto socials and statistics.


Statistics from around the world:

1.8 billion Muslims. Fastest growing religion to date (there's a reason for that).

The Muslim population in Europe also is growing; we project 10% of all Europeans will be Muslims by 2050. 

You can't avoid Muslims m8.

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5 minutes ago, Spills said:


I don't quite know why I'm tagged as one of the dimwits :(

The only point I wanted to get across is that it wasn't fair to call someone racist for questioning the Quran (or any holy scripture for that matter). I personally know nothing about it and wouldn't ever stop someone from believing in what they want to believe in.

Though this and the other topic has escalated greatly since then and I don't want any involvement in it lol


wait what? did he call you racist for dissing the kurwan?:facep:

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1 minute ago, Imateamcape said:

Gg. the fact that you won't answer my post shows that you've been gamed in religion. Let's move onto socials and statistics.


Statistics from around the world:

1.8 billion Muslims. Fastest growing religion to date (there's a reason for that).

The Muslim population in Europe also is growing; we project 10% of all Europeans will be Muslims by 2050. 

You can't avoid Muslims m8.

inb4 mudslime holocaust;)

tell me my friend; do you believe in the peaceful cohabitation of different cultures? or wtf is your point?

Edited by gearing
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1 minute ago, MLK said:

You've literally proven nothing and made no valid points, arguing Aisha was 12 and not 9 and etc is just deflecting from the facts. If you come up with a factual argument that isn't based on some Harry Potter nonsense I might provide a rebuttal, for now though I see nothing that needs disputed, You're just waffling nonsense. You believe Mohammad rode up to heaven on a unicorn, entering into a debate with you would be a complete waste of time. :) 

You still haven't read anything I've said or answered anything I've said. THIS IS TOO EASY. BRING ON A REAL RESPONSE PLEASE. DONT START A WAR YOU CAN'T FINISH

Just now, gearing said:

wait what? did he call you racist for dissing the kurwan?:facep:

I did not. Read my posts.

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2 minutes ago, Explv said:

@Saiyan can we ban @MLK now?

Even though this is the spam section, it's a botting website and I don't think religious arguments / racism has any place here

As i said in my post before this is no place for such argument if he shall want to argue then he must argue with experts as i have also mentioned before there are many official organizations that could help him out seek the truth or of whatever he is wanting to seek , and in this field and not with people that exploit a game to gain some real life money lol. Also he is only thinking about the perspective of what has been the last 10 years or so, look at back at the dark days of Europe and the US , don't be single sided, it's not like the other people didn't do worse than as you claim to be raping.

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4 minutes ago, Ahmad Diab said:

people that talk shit about a certain religion when they know shit about it, and just simply believe shit they hear from the same kinda people need to go find something better to do in life, this is only making you look stupid asf @MLK

With a name like that I'm sure you have no bias at all in this discussion :)

4 minutes ago, stencil said:

I'm the same damn person lmfao. I'm asking where you got these 'statistics' about these rape gangs you're talking about. All I've seen you do so far is stall and chat shit :think:

Sorry bro, I lost track of you through all the shit posting Kappa 

Here you go; http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-7613/CBP-7613.pdf

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1 minute ago, gearing said:

wait what? did he call you racist for dissing the kurwan?:facep:

No lol, I never dissed the Quran. Someone else pointed out a contradiction and was called racist for it (which I thought wasn't fair). But this has escalated a lot since then and I don't think any good can come from these types of topics.

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1 minute ago, PulseImpulse said:

As i said in my post before this is no place for such argument if he shall want to argue then he must argue with experts as i have also mentioned before there are many official organizations that could help him out seek the truth or of whatever he is wanting to seek , and in this field and not with people that exploit a game to gain some real life money lol. Also he is only thinking about the perspective of what has been the last 10 years or so, look at back at the dark days of Europe and the US , don't be single sided, it's not like the other people didn't do worse than as you claim to be raping.

Typical, you make it about winning/losing and then when you can't win you resort to censorship. Lmao. 

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6 minutes ago, Imateamcape said:

You still haven't read anything I've said or answered anything I've said. THIS IS TOO EASY. BRING ON A REAL RESPONSE PLEASE. DONT START A WAR YOU CAN'T FINISH

I did not. Read my posts.

i could not care less, when people are defending something this vehemently there is no point in debating, you CAN NOT debate and convince a beleiver:facep:

having the mindset of a 7th century desert bandit will not bring your cause forward LMFAO

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