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Looking for a developer for a gold farming project V2


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Hello my name is Julian and I'm looking for a gold farming partner once again, hopefully the last time. 


I started with the whole bot mangager, database farming back when @Vap0r started, I liked the idea and everything but ofcourse I didn't have knowledge.  However my friend is very good developer but he lacks time since he has a wife and a kid plus his everyday job. So basicly what I'm looking for now is a developer with certain skills:


  • Java :kappa: 
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • C#


I'm offering several things, I'll note only the most important ones. 

  1. I'm willing to share up to 50% of the profit
  2. I'm willing to pay expenses by myself (electricity, accounts...)
  3. I will take care of every hardware trouble on my own (not like there was any in the last 6 months)
  4. I will 100% upgrade servers to be even better and have more computing power
  5. Lastly I'm offering my time. (lol) 

NOTE: Please don't waste your and my time if you don't have what it takes to work on this with me. I think I don't even have to specific it out how much is this software worth on the market or the servers. So lets say I'm looking for pretty much trusted people on here which would like to make some extra money. (keep in mind, this is A LOT of extra money with just my resources) 


bot manager.png

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