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[Dev Builds] OSBot 2.4.125 - OS Compatibility


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The mouse movement is alot more smoother now, no jerky movements,

Also was wondering if i do something like this;

if (getInventory().depositAll("Shortbow (u)")) {
	if (getBank().withdrawAll("Logs")) {
		if (getBank().close()) {

There's delay between every single action .. it deposits the shortbows .. delay of 3-4 seconds .. withdraws logs .. delay of 3-4 seconds .. closes bank .. 

Don't have this delay issue with 2.4.121

Edited by Ayylmao420
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Just witnessed why sometimes scripts don't load even though OSBot seems to start ok. It was loading for a very long time

Setting memory at 1024MB
Debug enabled on port 5076
Starting OSBot in low cpu mode
Clearing all randoms from OSBot
Starting local script with name: MyScript
[DEBUG][05/15 07:38:52 PM]: Injected 2 field list filters
[DEBUG][05/15 07:38:52 PM]: Injected 2 field filters
[DEBUG][05/15 07:38:52 PM]: Injected 2 method list filters
[DEBUG][05/15 07:38:52 PM]: Injected 3 method filters
In debug mode!
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5076
Stealth injection class-filter enabled!
[DEBUG][05/15 07:39:20 PM]: Successfully loaded OSBot!
[INFO][05/15 07:39:21 PM]: Loaded 1 RS accounts!
[INFO][05/15 07:39:46 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.4.124!
[INFO][05/15 07:39:47 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 140!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:39:47 PM]: Initializing stealth injection bot...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:14 PM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters...
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:14 PM]: Injected bot reference into client!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:15 PM]: Injected world accessors!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:15 PM]: Injected 37 class and 330 field accessors!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:15 PM]: Injected canvas!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:15 PM]: Injected 2 model update calls!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:15 PM]: Injected 9 definition calls!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:15 PM]: Injected 36 definition transformation calls!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:15 PM]: Injected random.dat patch for bot #1
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:16 PM]: Injected 3 tooltip callbacks!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:16 PM]: Injected 2 config callbacks!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:16 PM]: Injected 15 head message callbacks!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:17 PM]: Injected 2 chatbox message callbacks!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:41:20 PM]: Injected 25 draw skip points!
Script did not start automatically! Game took too long to load.
Loaded 4 local scripts and 28 SDN scripts.
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:42:04 PM]: Injected 0 hit splat callbacks!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:42:05 PM]: Injected 3 equipment callbacks!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:42:05 PM]: Injected 1 login return code callbacks!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:42:06 PM]: Injected 17 analysis callbacks!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][05/15 07:42:07 PM]: Loading RS world : 383
[INFO][Bot #1][05/15 07:42:08 PM]: Initializing 36 API modules...
[INFO][05/15 07:42:09 PM]: Started bot #1

Check the timestamp.

It ended up like just like normal, apart from the script starting



It's one Dev build early, though this was happening for as long as I remember. 

If this is not a place to post this then please remove it or transfer this post


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