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Unbaned after 3k days


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9 minutes ago, jesenican said:


got unbaned on main problem is i forgot he had only 1m in bank so no joy for me. the other main who is banned since 2010 didnt get unban with bank 100m+ fml

the one I least expected got unbanned; I botted on him with shit bots fresh out of tutorial island for like 15 hours straight. same ip and all.

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2 minutes ago, gearing said:

unlike fucking jagex

5/30 appeals rejected:'(

Is there any kind of "rules" you have to follow to be able to appeal about macro bans? Like account have to be older then X, or you must also have rs3 account or smth like that? i tryed to appeal one mule, but they would not even allow me send them appeal 

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2 minutes ago, guywithlsd said:

Is there any kind of "rules" you have to follow to be able to appeal about macro bans? Like account have to be older then X, or you must also have rs3 account or smth like that? i tryed to appeal one mule, but they would not even allow me send them appeal 

nope , nothing i know of ;just go here http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/c=AvQ9YA3LE0s/forums.ws?14,15,700,65899971

email+username+notification email and good luck

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9 minutes ago, gearing said:

nope , nothing i know of ;just go here http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/c=AvQ9YA3LE0s/forums.ws?14,15,700,65899971

email+username+notification email and good luck

i did this, and funny thing - after i add all the info and press big yellow button, they send be back to home page of rs web..so idk, is this how it works, or it's just not working for me? cuz i could expect they would need appeal from me, like explanation what happened and so on?

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9 minutes ago, guywithlsd said:

i did this, and funny thing - after i add all the info and press big yellow button, they send be back to home page of rs web..so idk, is this how it works, or it's just not working for me? cuz i could expect they would need appeal from me, like explanation what happened and so on?

top left corner ,it should say that they got your info and the appeal is being processed, it shouldnt redirect to mainpage afaik

no explanation they will review it for you. and accept or reject you individually

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