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Stop Paying for "Unbanning" services


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Stop Paying people to "Unban" your accounts


I will teach you how to get as good of a chance as any person on any forum offering a "unban" service.

And it is literally the easiest steps you could ever take.


Step 1:

Create your account on your home IP / Socks5 and leave all legit training / payments etc to that IP and only that IP.

- In the case you're using an account you purchased and was already levelled you will need assistance from the OO.


Step 2:

Once you have got the account to the level that is required to bot / gold farm leave the account idle for a few days.


Step 3:

Okay, Now is time for the "Hacking" of your account to happen.

- Use a proxy / VPN to stage a hacking of your RS account. First step will be to request an e-mail change link on the account & Change it on this foreign IP. Then you want to change the password. From that point you're able to bot the account.


Step 4:

"Your Account has been disabled"

Damn, You've finally been caught now it's time to try and get your account unbanned and note. This is exactly what these services are doing in their attempts at unbanning you and it's something you can do yourself.


  1. Go to runescape homepage, click account
  2. Click "Can't Log-In"
  3. I am having other problems logging in
  4. Hijacked account

Once you have gone through and you finally get to the next bit it will ask if you have access to the current E-Mail, Say "No" and fill out the recovery form to the Original email/any email thats not currently on the account.


If the recovery is successful then there is a chance of it being unbanned, even then it's not 100%.

Don't order any service from people if you didn't do steps 1-3 of this tutorial because they won't be able to do anything more than you can with your own tools(recovery attempts, Tweet attempts or Reddit attempts) which are quite frankly 1 in a 100 get popular on reddit and actually get a response.


Also, just so you know I'm not making this up.



Even he is trying to "avoid" deals that have not been in this process as im sure he knows he's wasting his time.



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