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Making a Modest [Gold Farm]


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I'm here (mostly to motivate myself) to start a bot farm.  I've 'played' Runescape and botted for years (almost always to immediately get banned).  However, after a few years of CS education at college, I feel like I can actually make a real effort at making a stable side income with farming.  My ultimate goal is to fund a vacation through Eastern Europe ($2000+) about a year down the line entirely through cash made from gold farming.  I know there are more efficient ways of getting money for this, but at the same time, I don't really know of any more effective passive forms of income than a stable bot farm


Current State of Affairs

Current Cash Stack: (Drum roll please) 5M .

Overall Profit Made: ...5M! ... Sad Stuff


Currently: Working on getting my head around the API and scripting for OSRS.  It's a little different than what I'm used to, but not bad.  I'm making something that will essentially amount to a suicide script to run.  If I can prove that will make a decent profit, I'll expand into VPS, proxies, automation, etc.



1/18/2017: Started thread, finished botting for membership (I was stingy and wanted to see if I could get it to a bond from scratch.  Suicide botted leathers for a few days).  Started on my first script and I think I should have it up and running for Friday (of course with minimal antiban, support, etc).


1/19/2017: Found out that a few of my ideas weren't that profitable, and the client needing to update prevented me from coding earlier today.  Currently testing out a few different methods to see which is the most effective/possible.  I got the basics of the coding down for one of my weaker methods, may try to use it later.  And bought a bond for one account!  Which just means that I have to make that money back again before it runs out/gets banned.  Ah well.

1/19/2017: Have had my script running for a few hours now (non-consecutively, because I currently have to buy material from GE manually because that's not programmed in yet).  Have made about 700K profit (slow going because of tweaking and what not).  Pretty good stuff so far.

1/19/2017:Late night decision to break my current script to be more object oriented, hopefully making it easier to tweak moving forward.  Having a lot of trouble implementing changes.  Figure it must be because it's so messy.


1/20/2017:Worked on the code for a little today.  I got the core of it down to be bugfree, but turns out my GE trading doesn't work at all.  So now I have to figure out how to do that...  After that, I'll throw in a bunch of antibans and suicide and hope for the best.

1/20/2017:Man I'm just dumb.  I was using the keyword "Sell" instead of "offer" and that screwed up my whole grand exchange portion of the script.  It's mostly functional now.  Hooray.

1/20/2017:Fixed the GE, the script seems to be self sustaining now.  Going to add AntiBan measures and a rudimentary paint and I'll try to run it 24 hours.

1/20/2017:Tried my hand real quick at a tutorial island bot.  Aaaannnnddd it crashed my client.  I'll probably stay away from that for a while.  And my method was not as profitable as I was hoping.  Welp.  I guess that's the way it goes.


1/21/2017:Because my money making method proved... less than efficient, I'm manually alternating between two.  They're both self-sustaining so they can be run indefinitely, but I have no way of switching between the two when most profitable at the moment.  I think I'm going to ignore that part for now.  Moving forward, I've decided I'm just going to buy Khal's tutorial bot (at some point).  Can't be hecked with making my own because that seems redundant.  After that, I will make my own 7 point quester and what not.  That'll allow for the start of a mass gold mine.  That's all in the kind of distant future though.  I have school starting up again in a few days and that'll make it real hard to keep going with 'progress' on this.  Ah well.  Such is life.


1/22/2017:Back at school, so not much time to dedicate to this moving forward (I kind of feel like that's the point of a bot farm though).  Anyways, still trying to find a consistently profitable P2P method.  My idea is with two accounts, over the period of a couple of week, make a decent pile of coin (75M?) to sell off.  The reason for this is that that time will allow me to work on private mass botting scripts that I can then implement on a VPS with VIP to run 10+ accounts.  At that point, it'll be easy pickins.  It's just getting there that's a problem.  And now monday is coming so fingers crossed that my "cash stack" will not get obliterated.


1/26/2017:Still alive.  First account got banned unfortunately.  He made it to level 80 Magic and 85 fletching.  In the end I suicide botted him to test a free script from the SDN.  Despite being banned, I think I like this new method that I'm doing.  Seems to have low ban rate, constant demand, easily bottable.  Sadly it's very low gp/hour (only around 150K for p2p).  For now, I will have two bots running about 12 hours a day on it (with my custom script).  That should net be around $4/day, which is better than nothing so far.  I plan on using the money  I make on buying VIP and VPS when I have time (and can figure out a more profitable method)\.

Progress Reports/Visuals

Nothing to report here yet.  Maybe I'll get back to this.



  • Learn Scripting for OSBot (Basics like banking, interaction, etc)     ---> 1/20/2019, I feel like I'm comfortable with most of the basics.  It's not pretty.  But it works.
  • Learn to implement anti-bans (checks, login support, etc)
  • Implement large scale bot (thinking Tutorial Island + 7 QP account creator)
  • Move to automatic implementation (thinking ban checking, automatic account generation)

And of course

  • Money in Pocket from Botting: 0 of $2000
Edited by Smuds
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Good luck Bro 



Yeah the hardest part is staying motivated. Gold farming is very profitable but occasionally you hit bumps in the roads

Just waiting for the inevitable bans that will come and see how I'll feel after that.


Very interesting! I'ma follow this.

doot.gif <- used as equivalent for airhorn


Turns out the methods I wanted to implement were not as profitable/feasible as I thought.  So there goes like, two hours of scripting.  Back to the drawing board I guess.

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Good luck! Hard work forever pays!!

Thanks!  I was hoping for it to be... well not exactly "hard work"


Anyways, got my first script up and running.  There's minimal anti-ban currently in there, so it's probably a huge target for a ban hammer.  But hey, at least now I can make that sweet sweet RSGP while coding.  Which is nice.

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Admire anyone who can sit there and actually bother learning everything inside and out.


Best of luck, will be having a regular look!

Inside and out is a little gracious, nonetheless thanks!


Currently working on bug fixing my script and then will quickly be moving on to making it continuous so maybe I can move onto a 24/7 VPS or something.  Moving pretty fast so far, but coming in with prior knowledge definitely helped.


For anyone who is reading this as motivation or something to get started scripting on their own, my advice is learn basics of Java (conditions, control flow, objects), and then quickly move into reading and deciphering code.  In this system especially, it's easy to get things off the ground once you have familiarity with terminology and what not.  The actual programming concepts (at least in the early stages) will not be the bigger hurdle.

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