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Dispute @House


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Disputed member: House

Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/user/918-house/

Explanation: I paid 150m for a private script. Script had a few issues so I asked him to separate it into two scripts. He didn't fix the script and it's currently still broken. Because it was Christmas and New Years was coming, I thought I would give him more time but but two weeks later he still hasn't replied on Skype. The private script is pretty much useless and I haven't been able to use it the entire 2 weeks. I either want a refund of 150m 07 or 2 separated scripts that function properly.

Evidence: [REMOVED BY PP] All evidence is in the link.

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The script does work but doesn't do a full cycle of task. Like maybe an hour or so running the main part of the script, the script breaks. So I asked House to separate it into two scripts. One script should be tutorial island + 7QP and the other is the money-making script. But he hasn't been online in about 3 weeks to fix it.

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As far as i'm aware from looking at your skype logs you specifically talk about the bugs.


It completes tut island no?


It chops logs no?


You also say here  all of the bugs SM15d8k.jpg


This counts as it doing a full cycle of it's task but it's just buggy as hell.


As far as i'm aware, in accordance with Alek's rules  it would fall under the --> --Not Clear: Script performs task, but fails after X minutes



I'll discuss with Staff about this like I said and i'll include Alek as he'll give his verdict/judgement on this. 


May I ask why a 2nd script was going to be given though? was it for the bugs of the first script? 

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Script completes tutorial island, gets the 7 QP, and chops logs no problem. The script fails to bank maybe after x minute. Here's what House says: http://imgur.com/a/9RqLF Bug: http://i.imgur.com/NP0Xwvl.jpg


I want a second script for chopping logs so that the script saves resources without using webwalking.

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Looking at this after being contacted by a site member / friend of mine.
I have no been able to attend my forum duties since the 28th of December due to off site reasons. (along the lines of holidays and family)

I will contact anyone affected by this as soon as i can in the next few days as i get the time to do it properly and not half assed.

To properly address this specific dispute made, his script was made and completed. Some issues were present before my absence which lead to this dispute.

Just want to make it clear the problem in this dispute is my absence and not unresolved problems otherwise.

@SofaKin and i have agreed on a conclusion prior to my leave so we will continue with that now.


@SofaKin, you have purchased scripts from me before and i made sure they were up to your standards then too so i hope you know that nothing malicious is going on in this case either.



 @SofaKin is still getting what we agreed on and i understand the nature of the dispute but this should we resolved soon now as i can become more active again.


If there is any evidence needed the mods can instruct me to provide any.



The evidence you gave was valid and was present in our conversation however the way you presented it is a bit misleading, probably to get your case to resolve for you which i understand.


And to end it off it seems fit to put a big apology to specifically @SofaKin but also anyone affected!

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