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Dispute against sqmulol


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Disputed member: http://osbot.org/forum/user/243980-sqmulol/

Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/112735-looking-for-a-starter-main/?p=1267921

Explanation: I bought an account from sqmulol for 19m and some Rocket League DLC worth 5,57€


For the Steam purchase:




The Skype conversation we had was spoken in Finnish, which makes the rest of you non-finns be unable to understand it, but if you require it, I might aswell post it here. As of now, he has removed me from Skype and won't answer to me on Steam.

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Where did he contact you about selling an account, because I can't see it.

He isn't allowed to sell account under 100 post count, but not much we can do about it when you alreayd bought it..




He contacted me by adding my skype. To translate the conversation:


Me: What's up

samu: How much can you pay max for a starter main

samu: I've got an ok acc and I don't need it anymore as im starting to do a zerk

me: What kind of stats?

samu: I'll take pics in a bit

samu: I can sell it for quite cheap since I just need money for my zerk so that I have motivation to play

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So what do you want us to do about it?

I can't change the fact that you were buying an account of someone with less then 100 posts.


@sqmulol can you explain me why you were selling accounts under 100 posts?


I reckon there's nothing to do that'd benefit me, since I doubt he's going to give either the account or the gp back.

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I reckon there's nothing to do that'd benefit me, since I doubt he's going to give either the account or the gp back.

He was last logged in at 5;06pm yesterday so 6 minutes after your post.


I doubt he's interested nor is he going to reply.


He has been banned. Next time only buy accounts from people who LINK an account thread (or just check if they have more than 100 posts and verify that it's their account to begin with also).


Sorry for your loss.

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