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Can I use my billing information to recover my account


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Hi there, 


Not exactly sure where or who to talk to about this topic.. I play OSRS off & on, & recently I've wanted to get back into it because of Christmas break. A few months prior to stopping playing OSRS, I bought an account from a user AMGHugs.. There was a huge dispute, posted here:




It was settled, & I was finally given ownership for a little while. I took a break because of school & have come back to not being able to log into my account that I had purchased but also not being able to log into by OsBot account 'qwazz77' .... I've requested multiple password changes but whoever hijacked my account must have changed the email. I mainly want the OsBot account back so I can at least have the $30 worth of scripts. I have a screenshot of a couple old scripts I had bought on the account.


I have also bought CzarRangeGuild/Theiving/Experiements/RockCrabs and also the Frost Barrows for a few months. I have picture from my paypal account.

If there is a better place to post this type of inquiry could I be given some direction,

Thank you for your help anyways,

qwazz77 ~ Snerp

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