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Escorts (18+) For us rich buissness men ONLY

OG Botter

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i just said i can get you rubmaps, redcloud, and theeroticreview accounts if you are serious otherwise quit the trolling.

I'm not trying to flaunt my richness.. i'm rich trying to get richer... Not silly. My money invested in gold,silver not rs goods - sorry sad.png






Any on topic post's would be nice ...


P.s forget i'm rich - i'm poor and can only JUST afford £900 a night for an escort. wink.png


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I'm not trying to flaunt my richness.. i'm rich trying to get richer... Not silly. My money invested in gold,silver not rs goods - sorry sad.png






Any on topic post's would be nice ...


P.s forget i'm rich - i'm poor and can only JUST afford £900 a night for an escort. wink.png


fake photo lol

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I had a very bad luck and heart broken when i was in school, even when i was a kid and in high-school got worse.. i didnt have any girlfriends and girls was not into me..some was but they were ugly more than mod ash, What i learned from this thing that some men even if they are poor but the look hot and handsome can get girls and enjoy it, and some men even if they are with good money but they are not attractive they still can get girls.. So i decided to focus on one thing that to make money and go to collage while my other hot sexy handsome friends fail at school and now they work at Macdonalds and im almost finishing collage and have also good money from a lot of projects on internet.. There are alot of girls into me now..but i keep ask my self why now? what changed? i have learned is money is important thing than woman..because it gets you happy and also have woman..not all and not all of them gold diggers but it makes u " respected person " while finish collage and have some money..my crush since i was 12 she always didnt accept me and said that im ugly and mean stuff.. in this year i got from her up to 500 text begging to become friends and talk and give her a chance.. If you got the idea, not only you.. all of people reading this... Think about it go to your goal, trust me " pussy " is really a cheap thing you can get when you are on top. 


My work is done...


good lad!


Peace out. Need some sleep LoL

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What I like to see an honest and mature answer ... good on ya bud...


I can see what ur saying, escorts they only for the dolla nd not to please... which is different with a woman who actually likes you...


Good stuff.


Amen, its a hobby bud, RS and it's black market is my little habbit i picked up when I was like 12, just cant let it go lol...


Social life is overrated in my life unless ur willing to stick cocain up ur nose... i steer away from that


Social life is stupid, and clubs are shit. Money is everything in today's world and anyone who doesn't agree is stupid. Honestly, IMO, getting an escort is retarded, I'd rather jerk off or some shit. You could lower your hours a bit and just go to a bar (or club) or something and find a girl and try to spark up a relationship, but don't mention your financial status on the first few dates cause, (most) women are attracted to money (sure who isn't but girls....).


PS, cocaine is cool in small few sniffs.

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