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Mr Pro Pop

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 lol, I hate those people who code in a complicated ways.

                 they use every option they see to seem that they have coded much huh.

                                                Here is a code i have seen, Was coded in one of my friends fighter!

if(myPlayer().getHealthPercent() > 50 && getInventory().contains("Lobster") &&   myPlayer().getPosition().contains(location)&& 
!myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack());

if (npc != null && map.canReach(npc) && npc.isVisible() && npc.isOnScreen() &&
!npc().isUnderAttack() && npc.isAttackable()
&& npc.getPosition().distance(myPlayer().getPosition()) <= 10);

                       Lmao if coding is like that then i would better quit coding hehe lolol xD

     He did 1 line in a full page, Not even using methods or clear shit!

Edited by Mr Pro Pop
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 lol, I hate those people who code in a complicated ways.

                 they use every option they see to seem that they have coded much huh.

                                                Here is a code i have seen, Coded in one of my friends fighter!

if(myPlayer().getHealthPercent() > 50 && getInventory().contains("Lobster") &&    myPlayer().getPosition().contains(location)&& 
!myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack());

if (npc != null && map.canReach(npc) && npc.isVisible() && npc.isOnScreen() &&
!npc().isUnderAttack() && !npc.isAttackable()
&& npc.getPosition().distance(myPlayer().getPosition()) <= 10);

 Lmao if coding is like that then i would better quit coding hehe lolol xD

He did 1 line in a full page, Not even using methods and clear shit!



he could just do 


if(!getCombat().isFighting() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack() && npc.getHealthPercent > 0 && !npc.isUnderAttack() && !npc.isHitBarVisible()) { 
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 lol, I hate those people who code in a complicated ways.

                 they use every option they see to seem that they have coded much huh.

                                                Here is a code i have seen, Was coded in one of my friends fighter!

if(myPlayer().getHealthPercent() > 50 && getInventory().contains("Lobster") &&   myPlayer().getPosition().contains(location)&& 
!myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack());

if (npc != null && map.canReach(npc) && npc.isVisible() && npc.isOnScreen() &&
!npc().isUnderAttack() && npc.isAttackable()
&& npc.getPosition().distance(myPlayer().getPosition()) <= 10);

                       Lmao if coding is like that then i would better quit coding hehe lolol xD

     He did 1 line in a full page, Not even using methods or clear shit!


oh ok cool. so instead of helping him, you post a thread laughing at your 'friend', particularly after you asked my help for things you couldn't do yourself, then when i refused to spoonfeed it to you, angrily spammed me with obscenities.


nah, i'm sure you're a great coder and person though


emote32342.png emote32342.png emote32342.png

Edited by Imateamcape
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so help him instead of laughing at him?






Try helping him improve his code smile.png




so help him instead of laughing at him?



I didnt laugh on him I was just wondering of people who adding all that lines, As you can see in my post I said "I hate people who codes in an complicated ways" 

I already helped him, Plus he isn't my friend or asked for help!

oh ok cool. so instead of helping him, you post a thread laughing at your 'friend', particularly after you asked my help for things you couldn't do yourself, then when i refused to spoonfeed it to you, angrily spammed me with obscenities.


nah, i'm sure you're a great coder and person though


emote32342.png emote32342.png emote32342.png


I didnt laugh on him I was just wondering of people who adding all that lines, As you can see in my post I said "I hate people who codes in an complicated ways" 

I already helped him, Plus he isn't my friend or asked for help!


I never said I am a perfect coder, I am still beginner, Plus i already told you it wasnt me and you wont believe so its your problem.

I would suggest we stop talkling about this since you dont want to understand that it wasnt me.

Edited by Mr Pro Pop
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