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GreenDragon(GraveYard) Teleports even when no one attacks... doesnt teleport when someone attacks.... died many times because it doesnt tele away when someone atts... and it will teleport out of graveyard even when no one attacks...


GreenDragon(West) if dies it will walk back to edge and sometimes get stuck on the tree? fix it if u use glory that it will just get the glory from bank or then fix the tree spot... its next to draynor manson...

Still Problems with looting....

I will be looking into this as soon as i am home from vacation. I do not have a proper setup where i am located to do much. My internet is 2mbsdown and dcs every few mins. I will be back on the 1st of jan and will get started right when i get home at 10pm est. I am sorry for any problems and will do some massive updates on how everything works :)

If you have recently purchased the script then you can get a refund if you would like that.


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I didn't find a suggestion template, but what is my suggestions is that after running from pker it would maybe switch worlds?


Thank you

It should already do that unless Osbots hopping api is messing up. Ill look at it when I am back from vacation.


ALWAYS miss clicks teleporting to corp cave 100% of the time and teleports to burthrope instead.

Is this with mirror mode?


Definatley need some tweaks. One of the more worse scripts Ive purchased lately, just instability issues and the fact it struggles to do more than like 3 invos at max at green west drags, doesn't walk back to edge to start again etc

Indeed. I will be fixing all the GDK issues when I get home on the 1st of january. I am currently out of the states on vacation and the internet isn as great where I am currently. 


For future customers, as of 12/29/2016 GDK is pending an BIG UPDATE. Other modes such as (Blues, blacks, brutal blacks(beta)) should be stable. Sorry for any delays.

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It should already do that unless Osbots hopping api is messing up. Ill look at it when I am back from vacation.


Is this with mirror mode?


Indeed. I will be fixing all the GDK issues when I get home on the 1st of january. I am currently out of the states on vacation and the internet isn as great where I am currently. 


For future customers, as of 12/29/2016 GDK is pending an BIG UPDATE. Other modes such as (Blues, blacks, brutal blacks(beta)) should be stable. Sorry for any delays.


@Chris you are doing well, just keep at it and try and get it a bit more smooth. Example another thing is it will just stop looting and struggle with going to the bank (west green drags) just general things like that.

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Still doing some testing on my changes in v7.28



Current test as of 12/5/16

  • Included worldhopping (when a pker was near and able to worldhop at drags(not in combat), otherwise it would teleport to bank and worldhop from there)
  • Included starting without lootbag and gaining it back multiple times (Deathwalking on)
  • Dealthwalking w Glory mode activated (3 iteming -> uses glory from lumbridge)
  • Adjusted anti-pk because half the time it was producing a weird bug. Now slightly better than before.
  • Adjusted combat issues that was brought up or seen by me.
  • Fixed modes that led to the bank dealing with Greendragons. Improved (Glory to bank, Respawn teleport w/ Zeah book, And adjusted Varrock tab handler(Restocking at a random varrock bank during GDKGraveyard), and also adjusted Walk To Bank mode.)
  • Adjusted and corrected the spamming when looting (ex. wait till near the loot)

Progress in spoiler


  • 60-60-50
  • Gear: Addy pl8, Addy legs, Amulet of Glory, and D Scim.
  • Mode: GDKWest​

Settings Used:

  • Monkfish
  • 55% eatAt
  • Super Attack & Strength
  • WorldHop > 2 players
  • Glory to bank
  • Deathwalking
  • Looting bag on


  • Includes some deaths (Teleblock mostly)
  • Anti-pk teleporting away
  • worldhopping to find empty worlds or with less than 3 ( including me)





Current projects:

  • Heroes quest area (new blue drags addition)
  • Brutal black dragons beta -> to working condition (Everything but in combat room is in working order)
  • Using feedback to make improvements.

More screenshots v7.28




Edited by Chris
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