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RS3 vs 07


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Alright so here is a legitimate question. So many people dislike RS3, and tbh I was on the band wagon of hate for rs3 because of the EoC update, but its really not all that bad.


People say that they dislike rs3 because of the combat system. Fair enough but you can set it basically play itself (Momentum mode) which is how i currently play since I havn't played EoC much more than 24 hours of play time since it was released.


Some dislike EoC because it became AFKscape. Again, fair enough but you can make it harder on yourself by not doing anything afk.


I have gotten back into rs3 and I'm having more fun than I have in 07 in a long time, maybe its just different and i like variety.


Why do you / why do you not play and like/dislike RS3?


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You mean like OSBot and the service section?

That's different though, because its still some one training on it.


Unlike paying real money and getting levels super quickly.


They keep adding new tier wep's and armor that make everything below it worthless.


It's only kind of fun if you like PVM, but pking is garbage and boring and empty.

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That's different though, because its still some one training on it.


Unlike paying real money and getting levels super quickly.


They keep adding new tier wep's and armor that make everything below it worthless.


It's only kind of fun if you like PVM, but pking is garbage and boring and empty.

You're telling me buying from some shitty shady blackmarket where half of the people steal your shit makes it a better experience  ?

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You mean like OSBot and the service section?

that's because grinding is harder in oldschool runescape.


If i could get 99 prayer in a day, i wouldn't pay someone to do it for me, i would just do 99 prayer myself. 

Honestly? It's just too much for me. All the MTX, new skills etc. I like the nostalgia from OSRS as well.

but honestly, who the fuck still plays for nostalgia anymore. 95% of players have gotten past it and enjoy oldschool runescape for what the devs and community have made it (ya i know a lot of shit people play osrs, but a lot of them are nice and friendly).





Just knowing that this is possible, is just kind of demoralizing. Like, sure i could grind for it, or pay a couple of hundred to get some easy levels. 

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