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Dispute against 420blaze


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Disputed member:420blaze

Explanation: Total payment is 45$ and 9m osgp

I paid for 1-99 FM which he guarenteed he would not get banned as seen in the screenshot,(unlikely) so i was gonna pay in 15$ incraments for a total of 45$ but he said he needed cash and im a nice guy so i gave it to him knowing if he scammed i got the chargeback option. He made it to 5m/13m exp before getting hit with the banhammer. I then stated that i needed fishing done and he said he could do that enstaid so he got from 73.5-76 and said he couldnt handle it. So then we went onto my range service which is hand done so he would still have the remainding to bot, i paid 9m for the range service he has done from 54-64*ordered 54-70* and stated he cant do it anymore cause of his work. So at this point im just wanting a refund which i can do via chargeback if need be but before i get called a scammer i figured i better put this up. Evidence of anything of use from the chat below (i did talk to use about off topic stuff alot down the road of botting so i just put the highlighted items in it that could help the dispute) Evidence below


Him stating full refund if banned: https://gyazo.com/ca325342ca265076c2bd88ba8ceb4221

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We both knew account will get banned in some point. I will give you a refund when i get GP, as you can see on picture i said i don't have a GP at the moment. You said everything is fine if account gets banned then we just figure out something else... And now all i can see is you make me a scammer smile.png DO i have to list otherstuff that you said about your accounts or whatsoever.. If i remember correclty you hate everyone on this forum .


//I never said WHEN or HOW i will give you refund if that makes any sense. So don't come talk shit here, if you want refund you'll wait if not then not my problem.

Edited by 420blaze
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it is your problem. You are responsible for refunding this user and I'm giving you 48 hours to do so, which is already lenient.

Alright, wont be able to pay within 48hours.


420Blase sent me a PM earlier saying that he is off to work right now and will reply within the next 12 hours. 

Dosn't matter, im not able to pay atleast not withhin 48hours.. Then just ban me.

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