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How the hell..


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He was level 42? Seems pretty impossible considering with 10hp, 91 mage and 50 att youre 48




I was standing right near the safe area and Im level 43. He was 42 Im pretty sure. Level 1. 42-44 could be the only way.

Still dont know how its possible to have ice barrage and gmaul at such low level.. 

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thats why he put 91 mage into the cb calculator.


and 50att 1str should do basically no damage with gmaulspecs 


so yeah i guess that situation didnt happen like its was originally explained.

He could have been up to 87 str without gaining a combat level.


Should also include that Gmaul requires 50 atk and 50 str to be equipped.



Also. Perhaps you mistook Ice burst for barrage.


So his stats were probably something like this and he has higher than 10 hp because he has rushed quite some times.



Edited by September
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