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  1. sandcrabs need an update I do not understand this the bot was running for 3 hours and only got 13k exp holy jesus my account will be banned soon watch
  2. how can i turn off the script at a certain level.. idk what happen to this script? it was so good before the ui changed?
  3. ur probably not even using mirror mode..
  4. How do u get it to work????????? I need to know !!
  5. Great script got to 60 agility, Breaks function is superior !! + 10/10 recommend I have purchased the apa rooftop one go tbanned when i hit lvl 30 agility ( account was quested too)
  6. @Khaleesi What are your perfect settings to run this?How would u run this bot on a fresh account?
  7. Any update on rogues den or anything on the double clicking side ?
  8. Go back to what i wrote about the script You are very delusional Won't entertain you no more Have a blessed day
  9. Lmaooo MAD? NAA his account is flagged already its OVER Lets not change the fact the script got HUGE ban rates
  10. Damm and he got banned? MUST BE THE SCRIPT !! LIKE I SAID STAY THE FUCK AWAY ;')
  11. how much do those "stakers" go for ? like 100 m?
  12. I agree 100% specific tile was fucking me up in baker's stall !!
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