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Everything posted by iZerker

  1. Just don't buy, not worth the risk. The only way to prove an account is legit is if you were there every minute and every second since the account was created. Literally impossible to prove it was done legit.
  2. iZerker

    Stealth Quester

    Do you ever plan on adding more quests?
  3. Czar, this script doesn't support dwarven mine?
  4. Don't want to correct you, but different companies handle ip changes differently. I'd have to call my company to get my IP changed.
  5. I agree, just interested to see if there is any people out there that don't get banned quickly. I actually quit RS in 2015 because I got banned on my main, i'm back and looking to restart with a pure.
  6. The tittle says it all, just interested to hear some stories. (if there is any)
  7. I honestly wonder what happened to nexus, did the dev's get sued and lost in court?
  8. Thank you for this, I thought I was going to have rebuy the whole package.
  9. Also that frost dragon bot on pb and nexus made people millions in irl cash, gold farming at its prime.
  10. Its only with mirror mode, hooks are broken.
  11. Had a main back when Nexus was around and I managed to get 10 99's before I suicided it in 2013 for 99 farming, got banned.
  12. I know there are many people here great with graphics in the means of designing sigs, but how about youtube stuff? i'm willing to pay.
  13. I was trying to avoid doing that, but after doing some more research it seems that Intel is the best for video rendering. Thanks though!
  14. These are my parts: AMD Athlon X4 750K Processor: MSI FM2-A75MA-E35 Motherboard: XFX Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition Graphics Card: 2x 4GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 RAM: 500GB Western Digital Caviar Blue Hard Drive: NZXT Source 210 Case: 430W Corsair CX430 Power Supply: I did this budget build back in hs when I was really on a budget. Now that I have some money I would like to upgrade. Any tech wizards out there that could point me in the right direction? I'm aiming for a more powerful computer in the aspects of video rendering.
  15. I can't run OSBot due webwalking not installing when updating the bot. How do I fix this?
  16. Okay i'll try this It compiled, thank you!
  17. Good man, girls are really unknowing of what they want in this decade for some reason.
  18. You just met someone and you're in love with them. Or you broke up with someone and now you got a new person.
  19. I'm trying to compile my first script and I keep getting this error, i've searcched the web already for solutions but haven't found any. Maybe someone here could help me out? I know it has to do with the build path.
  20. Bot on it again just use a proxy if you dont give a shit.
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