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Everything posted by Link

  1. Hey guys, looking for members that would be interested in playing league play on Xbox. Only requirement is to have a mic. If you aren't the best you have to be willing to learn. Post your GT here if you're interested. We need 4 people.
  2. Glad to see you all are on top of this.
  3. That is a paint. Look at someones source code. It's pretty self explanatory. Find onPaint {
  4. Link

    BETA v1.7.16

    Thanks for this. Was wondering why there was no toggle for menu count.
  5. Link


    It can't be done and it's not against the rules. Let people have their fun. Plus, there's already another topic that discusses this. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/5466-pls-stop-posting-this/
  6. Link

    BETA v1.7.15

    Good job guys. Quick updates are the best.
  7. How unfortunate. Good thing I never laid a finger on vInsert.
  8. Link

    BETA v1.7.13

    Great job guys ;)
  9. He's just sharing some methods he used in his rare finder.
  10. Very nice guys. Been wondering why you've been MIA.
  11. You guys have been busy. Great job and keep up the good work.
  12. Never tried it. Probably never will. Been offered it before. Just made the smart decision.
  13. Some guy said that the gamertag "OSBot" was available. Why not change it to that?
  14. Link

    BETA v1.7.12

    Equipment and prayer API? Kiss me now.
  15. First day using Syndra and I love her. Already bought a skin. Everyone says she's in the bottom 10% for win-rate but maybe people just don't know how to use her? Discuss.
  16. Link

    BETA v1.7.11

    Well done. You guys are on this stuff like stink on poo.
  17. Welcome back to the forums. Now let's get you a profile pic.
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