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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Very fancy looking!
  2. OSBot is evidently the most mature botting community.
  3. tbh, I had never experienced a worse hell. 3muchspam
  4. No CBA Pip? Outrageous!!!!
  5. I hate being American so much that I'm British!!!
  6. CBA would suit a mojito colour a bit more ;)
  7. I think James is very dedicated to the site. He helps on the forum just likely any mod. I personally can't see Timekeeper suiting the role, he's too much of a peasant + troll. I also think TH3 would be good, like PP said, we could use a mod with extensive knowledge that he has.
  8. Epsilon

    SOTW 22 Voting

    The spiderman one rules.
  9. I can understand that Good luck with 99 strength.
  10. I don't think we have any concrete evidence of how they detect bots, so just be cautious.
  11. I'm sure you learnt your lesson, welcome back to the community!
  12. Epsilon


    Nice job! Everything takes time to master though so keep practising and you'll become a master in no time!
  13. rofl that is an outstanding question. I'm sure a mod will notice and relocate it or close it now.
  14. Good luck with your swapping services! I may use this in the future!
  15. Let's just take a minute to be grateful that he isn't then.
  16. That's rough. Just get 99 Prayer and HP and become the most unkillable low level.
  17. God forbid what you would choose to do with 10 signature spaces. I cannot imagine a worse hell.
  18. Voet = foot, thus football. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_for_association_football The majority of countries call it football in their own language. I aint raging at people calling it soccer though. Call it whatever the fuck you want rofl it's still the same sport.
  19. Only around 715m! The end is already in sight!!!!
  20. I question why you could need so many signatures o.O
  21. I think we could definitely use some benchmark figure. I can't remember where but this dude was saying he would do 5 levels free as long as they were below level 40 in order to gain feedback. Farming feedback just seems to lure customers into a false sense of security where it is easier for them to get scammed.
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