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Trade With Caution
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About lazyy

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    I only move when im hungry.
  • Interests
    Making free scripts for leechers to ruin the economy.

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  1. Very nice but is it possible to grab every item in an area with the value of above 200 and list them ? ?
  2. *Reacts to 9 months old thread* *Scripters is already gone* *postcounthookar*
  3. Some1 is getting his postcount up
  4. lazyy

    Mouse Trail

    do you even script? ?
  5. Jij bent echt een kanker irritante kanker mogol als ik jou zou tegenkomen zou ik jouw de grond in stampen
  6. botting is risky but it will only become riskier bot now or bot never
  7. thanks works great going to use this in my script hahaha :D
  8. lazyy

    Mouse Trail

    MousePath can't be resolved? ?
  9. thanks so much for your code but it still recognizes a stack of rune arrows as 1 item -_- will just have to live with it i guess
  10. didn't work still counts as one nvm im probably an retard this is my code if(i.contains("Rune arrow")){ i.getItemForName("Rune arrow").getAmount(); totalgold += 200; } i just want the int totalgold to multiply by every rune arrow in the inventory
  11. will try it out but its basically the same as what i used before client.getInventory.getAmount("Dragon bolts (e)");
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