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  1. Some chooch named Gunman. Saw other people asking for trial and was denied. Learned my lesson, straying faaaar away from this guys "projects"
  2. youre hilarious 90 percent? youre pulling a number out your buddies asshole now.
  3. the script hasnt updated since june. this is the downside of having all these jumbled garbo scripts in it. What am i your mom? take your script off the entire program if you arent going to keep up to date on it. suck my balls kiddo dont assume I live in my mommies basement like yourself. i appreciate that you can make whatever you want, if you manage to pass your reading comprehension classes in highschool and come back to re read my post maybe youll understand it better.
  4. Just looked at the graveyard of scripts that have no description. yikes.
  5. Thats fair. I bought it for a combination of 3 things that were listed on the store page; Tutorial island, which breaks at baking bread, F2P quests, just shows up as NOT FOUND?!?! hopefully ill get to use the pest control at some point since someone pointed out that exists atleast. Just thought there would be better organization didnt think id have to sort through what works and what doesnt. dont really have the time to try to get better at making my own shit.
  6. WOW its almost like theres more than 1 script on script factory? maybe im unlucky but he advertises that something as simple as tutorial island works when it doesnt, and then he just blames it on the individual writer of the script.
  7. Just gave someone negative feedback who deserved it (ProjectPact) puts his stamp of approval on the script factory. Soon after i realize all the scripts his "community" has created are unsupported broken piles of trash just sitting in the archives I asked for a refund and was denied. Went to give negative feedback for his creation and instead of fixing his problems he runs to a super moderator to remove my feedback. Charging 25 bucks for a service and you cant even do your due diligence to make sure it works properly. theres my feedback princess pact
  8. well then i havent used your scripts. but ive opened 5 meant for a fresh account and they break within 2minutes. just doing my part to review a service i thought was doodoo.
  9. For each osbot client it asks me for the IP of the proxy and then allows me to open up multiple bots but it looks like they are still on the same proxy ip , How can i make each bot have an independent IP or do i have to open up 10 different clients?
  10. Just purchased, does dwarven mine= mining guild? my list for locations looks different than what the screenshot shows i think
  11. iamspecs


    Can I trial please?
  12. Also the pathing to mos le harmless bank might not exist. those new settings i tried didnt work, left to do some yardwork with about 10 monkfish, came back with a black mask in my inv, it had used the mos le harmless teleport scroll and walked back to cave entrance. other than that seems running smoothly. have had a bat attack me and it looked like it didnt want to retaliate against the bat, just tried clicking to next cave horror. will see whats up i might have had my settings wrong on retaliation!- thanks
  13. switched my setting from nearest bank to mos le harmless hopefully that will fix. but also i hate starting the script from inside the cave, so if you could fix whatever is going on at the bank that would be dope.
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