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  1. Can I get a trial please my dude?
  2. Never had a problem with this script, however it's suddenly refusing to find NPC's, even if I type the npc name it fails to do anything and the script stops. Hope you can help
  3. hydrolix

    Fruity NMZ

    Rock cake fix coming soon?
  4. Been botting a main account for about a week now which i'll start playing legit after i've gotten to pvm requirements for gwd and corp. you guys got any places and skills you've found that are ideal for not getting caught? I've tried to think of methods that are out of the box that least commonly botted and so far this is what i've found: Combat - Tricky because most combat scripts suck unless they're made specifically for one monster which means they're commonly botted and ban rates are high. So im using a script that I can pick my own monsters on. Now as i'm doing quests i'm seeing a lot of places that people only visit once and the quest isn't commonly done with a decent potential for botting combat, I went with melzars maze upstairs in the ghost room. it requires a key to get in no passers by, and if I bot on a skill total server people will most likely already done that quest, so they won't ever be back in melzars maze... Back before EOC I used to bot on members worlds underneath lumbridge in the catacombs for that newby quest that gave you a sling and whatever. there was a room filled with undead mages that had a max hit of 0, virtually no defence and 22 hp with about 25 of them in the room. got 99 in strength and 93 defence doing that. My advice is think of places rarely visited twice. After I can use dh I will use NMZ magic - I see a lot of people alching in plain sight such as banks and I think it's obvious you're botting if someone asks you a question and you dont reply. I prefer to sit in a stack of players like gilded altar or 1 square chests fletching, herblore, cooking, crafting - these skills can all be done on the spot at a bank, best to use a 1 square bank with a lot of attention, such as the duel arena, Castlewars or Rogue's den. Anywhere you guys feel you'll never be reported for botting there?
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