Just letting everyone know. It takes 5~ hours at the absolute minimum to get 50 firemaking on a fresh ironman account.
Also taking into account questing and having limited teleports + other skills needed.
Plus you'll be getting woodcutting way higher than 30. About 45~
Price yourselves accordingly. Don't be slaves.
I've made ironmen like this plenty of times.
Plugin Name: Menu Entry Swapper?
Brief Description: Basically an add-on to MES. Making pickpocket the first option on the HAM Guards. The ones in the cellar that give you keys for ham storerooms.
Requirements: Death to the Dorgeshuun quest, 20 thieving? I think that's about it in terms of what you need to get to ham guards lol.
Just wondering a price estimate for something like this. Been using AHK to quickly right click but would rather just spam click.