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  1. Interested in a trial, thank you in advance.
  2. How fucking sad is it, I bought this script LITERALLY ran it for a little less than 2 hours, straight away, banned.
  3. That would be why then haha, cheers for the help mate
  4. I'll give it a shot injected and see what happens. edit/ works injected
  5. Just purchased this script recently and for some reason, it'll bank, tele, etc. But it will get stuck on enter lair, will enter lair and just stand there and die. Any ideas? Log Below
  6. Hello there looking to have some questing done, if at all possible please itemize each price for each individual quest, thank you. All RFD subquests excluding Dwarf & Pirate Pete Sheep Herder Watch Tower Making History Prince Ali Rescue Shades of Mor'ton Spirits of Elid Observatory Quest Ratcatchers
  7. SedateM3

    sdmm to 07

    Yeah I highly doubt they would add these changes to the live game. It would have to be polled first, but as I see it there is no need for it as it's not solely pvp based in nature. Pvmers rule Runescape that's why so many Pvp polls never get the go ahead.
  8. SedateM3

    sdmm to 07

    That's why they're adding resources to the drop tables of a lot of stuff, ex: the resources added to the barrows chests. They're trying to figure out a way to supply people with these things so that they don't have to do any resource collection and get rid of the bots and try to get rid of the swappers entirely.
  9. SedateM3

    Family crest

    750k I'll do it, PM me.
  10. Just wondering if it's fixable: sometimes when in the tunnels and the brother who you fight either in the tunnels or at the chest, it will turn on the prayer needed to fight the brother but then for instance if it's still in the tunnels it won't turn the prayer off until you teleport out.
  11. I like it Looks very good, as I'm not very artistic, I applaud you sir.
  12. I smoke like 2-3 packs a day, and alcohol can be an issues at times.
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