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Everything posted by Skype

  1. I read the forums guidelines and didn't read anything about vouches ...
  2. And more Apples are added as we speak
  3. This seems a bit fishy :
  4. Since the feedback system is a little sketchy at the moment (1b+ trades feedbacks deleted to match the rules), I will simply post my vouches here : [under construction]
  5. Skype

    OSBot logo

    I don't really like the style But I appreciate your effort & work!
  6. Skype

    BETA v1.7.19

    *so pro* Thanks!
  7. Thanks! I appreciate the resources, but unfortunately I'm not looking for tutorials per say. I'm trying to locate someone who can provide tutorials such as the ones you have included, but also be able to provide insight to any questions that may come up during my learning process. I am interested in programming scripts within OSBot, but I am also wanting to take it further than the OSBot API and potentially branch off into my own projects once I have gained enough knowledge. I really do appreciate your effort in trying to help though! Oh okay, my bad! You can add me on Skype : skype.osrs if you have some doubts/questions about a code within a script, but I'm not a magician and a very poor & impatient teacher!
  8. Hey there! I'm guessing you're trying to learn how to write scripts for OSBot. You should take a look at this section, they include YouTube tutorials, and you can always PM the persons who made the videos if you need a more in-depth answer! Also have a look at this, it will be your best teacher online
  9. OSRS should go its own path, implementing the same mistakes features as EOC did would just bring RS07 back ... to EOC.
  10. Nice guide! Also for the non-devs who are wondering what obfuscated means ... It simply means that it makes decompilation difficult (programmers obfuscate their codes to protect their work)
  11. Skype

    Yum or Yuck

    Yum! But we don't have those in France Mushrooms
  12. Skype


    i could too support this. My OP wasn't very clear. However it's not gonna be long before @osbot emails would get barred from the jagex server... That's true, but I don't think they would react if the email is just used for the login (I use 1 email linked to 50 bot-accounts whose username is 1@X.com to 50@X.com (the email doesn't even exist!))
  13. Skype


    Love the title of this thread Nick Yeah I definitely support the idea! Would love to see @osbot.org emails!
  14. Minecraft much? Haha this seems awesome!
  15. Skype

    BETA v1.7.18

    Any version older then 1.7.13 won't work unfortunately. Try to delete your OSBot folder and re-launch the bot, also make sure your Java is up to date (shouldn't be a problem if it worked prior to July 4)
  16. Skype

    BETA v1.7.18

    Has it been working for you on previous versions of the bot?
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