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About delsolhbc

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  1. delsolhbc

    Stealth NMZ

    Yes mirror mode, 50
  2. delsolhbc

    Stealth NMZ

    Part of this script is broken and will likely get me banned cause it ran all night R.I.P The script kept walking between the chest and the overload trying to deposit the overloads but never clicking yes so it just ran back and fourth for hours.
  3. delsolhbc

    Stealth NMZ

    @Token Bot gets stuck repeated trying to out overloads back into barrel after lagging out. Ran for like 5 hours spamming barrels. Rip https://gyazo.com/cc4243803f85bdfc1a66cf1253a4d86d
  4. @Czar Hi! I own a lot of your scripts and really like them. I want to bot agility on an almost maxed combat account with a quest cape. I know people will say never bot a main or whatever, but I am okay with the risk, just asking for the best way to go about it with lower ban chance. How long to bot/how long to break for optimal results?
  5. delsolhbc

    Stealth NMZ

    I am probably about to be banned on my main. The bot glitched and tried to take our overloads with a full inventory for like 20 minutes straight. How is there no failsafe for this?????
  6. delsolhbc

    Stealth NMZ

    @TheRealDudeLove Are you using any powerups or naw? And for breaks would 60-90 minutes after one session be fine do you think? You seem very knowledgeable, do you have discord?
  7. delsolhbc

    Stealth NMZ

    Do you mean 7-9 hours per day including or excluding the breaks? ALso, What training method are you using? Dharoks or Obsidian, overloads or no?, ALso when is it set to eat at?
  8. delsolhbc

    Stealth NMZ

    @Token How long would you say I should run the script on my main per day/times per week. If I am not using overloads. Just absorb method eating rockcake between 5-10hp?
  9. Any previous temp bans on the acc/ age of the acc?
  10. Unfortunately I got a first offender perm, I ran the bot pretty long yesterday and probably caught a player report
  11. Is that something you could add and just tell people in the forum? As of now with the script as is it's not beneficial to use the chaos alter because out of 500 dragon bones I only was able to use 150ish of them at the alter.
  12. @Tom As for logging out, that is understandable, but is there no way to bypass that the same way you bypass osbots built in break handler? Also even if the account didn't hover the log out button, can it hover the world it wants to hop to? The problem I have been seeing is that the script sees the peer, clicks the would hop tab, and then scrolls to a random one before getting attacked. If it hovered the hop button I think it would significantly lower the risk of getting pked.
  13. I agree with @sanruizt The script gets pked any time there is a pker, it also break after getting pked no matter what banking method you are using, same thing happened to me in edgeville. I think it would get pked less if you had the bot hover the log out option while it is auto burying the bones on the alter.
  14. @Czar Hi! love your scripts, I am using it on a main I am trying to max and have had really good luck so far with your fishing script. I just had a question in regards to the "afk" tick box that is described in your script description. I use this a lot on your fishing script and couldn't find it on the woodcutting script. I like this feature because I feel it lowers the ban rate quite a bit.
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