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Everything posted by creationx

  1. I have read the API, but I have troubles understanding how to implement what it says. Please understand I'm new to Java and still learning. Thank you for your help guys.
  2. Awesome, thanks loudpacks! I have another question: I want to find the color of something in a specific area on the screen and click it, how would I go about doing that? I know Scar use to be FindColorTolerance(x, y, COLOR, x1, y1, x2, y2, tolerance); but I can't seem to find the mirror code here in OSBot. edit: while I'm here I'll just ask all the questions I have: I want to log data for the script to use later, how would I go about doing that? Basically like creating a counter : so that everytime an action occurs it will add +1 to the counter, so that when I read the counters value later, it will have adjusted. So for example: Counter = 0. Action 1 performed, add + 1 to Counter. Counter = 1. How much does Counter =? Counter = 1. Action 1 performed, add + 1 to Counter. How much does Counter =? Counter = 2.
  3. Hi everyone! hope all is well. I am currently developing a paid script that I will be releasing to the community hopefully VERY soon and I had a couple of questions regarding scripting. 1. How do I go about checking how many stacks of an item I have? Like if I had 1 million Salmon, how would I get the bot to read this information - Is it possible to extract this info without righclicking the item?
  4. Thank you, Daenerys Targaryen. It is my pleasure to serve under your wing.
  5. Hey guys, super noob AGAIN. So I'm currently in the process of developing my anti-ban for my scripts, and I want to do the following. I want to generate a random number, then using that number, pick an antiban through cases. FOR EXAMPLE: My script CXMonkCurser has done a bunch of curses and it's time to antiban, so we call upon antiban; then antiban generates the number 42. So then it goes into the antiban and checks which antiban it should used based on the number generated "42". Case1-100: do nothing Case100-200: click a random tab case300-400: spin camera in this example it would go to case1-100 and do nothing. How would I go about turning this idea into useable code?
  6. This. I've never been closer to mass execution than right after I get rushed and then someone says "gg." Good fucking game? really? NO. IT WAS NOT A GOOD FUCKING GAME. YOU FUCKING PUSSY RAN AT ME AND GOT LUCKY.
  7. Hello everyone... I've played Runescape since 2005, and while I've loved every bit of it...I can't help but just be fucking angry now. The in-game community has done nothing but turned into a bunch of piece-of-shit kids who are so damn egotistical it drives me fucking nuts. There is a lack of respect across the board from player to player, the only thing I see now are scammers, beggars, and people who keep completely to themselves and give nothing back to the community. So...I've decided to completely give up playing RS legitimately...I'm going to spend all my time creating scripts and eventually starting my own gold farm. From there I will RWT and flip in-game currency for profits IRL. Jagex clearly has no care about the in-game "quality of life" as they call it, and so it begins. So if Jagex wants to ruin the game that I've enjoyed so much...Well fuck it, I'll help them ruin it. /rant.
  8. Apa, the method of talking I have in mind is going to be very very very complex. It will take a while to implement but when it is put in I'm sure it will help reduce detection. I just have to let my coding skills catch up to my methods of madness in coding ;). Also, I use localWalker thanks for the tips my brother! I will reach your level (and surpass, hehe) eventually!
  9. Dude I've probably been botting for somewhere like 5 years now and there is no rhyme or rhythm to their methods. I've seen people bot 10 accounts at a time and play legit and get every account banned. I've seen people legit play one account and bot another separately and get banned on both accounts. I've seen people not bot and get banned for botting. I've seen people bot and never get banned. I've seen people babysit the shit out of a script and still get banned. The simplest way to describe it is simply as stated above, Jagex is one mysterious creature. I mean hell, they may even play favorites. They could be watching your account KNOWING you bot for months, and then they may have a bad morning so boom your accounts get banned. They're human beings that feel emotion and probably let that get in the way. Who the fuck knows man, because.. Jagex is one mysterious creature. Jagex is one mysterious creature. Jagex is one mysterious creature. Jagex is one mysterious creature.
  10. Hey guys, the noob here again! So I want to make sure that my character is in a certain position, and if he isn't, I want the script to stop. This is what I have. if (myPlayer().getPosition() != myPosition(X, Y, 0)) { log("We are not in position! Stopping script!"); } else { log("We are in position! Moving on!"); } When I type this I get a red squiggly under the "myPosition" part. My question is: How do I fix this so that the script will check that my character is in a certain position? I have added "import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;" to the top of the script.
  11. Lol this guy suddenly takes out the competition. Thanks for the release my brother.
  12. edit: Script has been updated to Version 0.52. Changed Paint, Added Logo, Added upstairs failsafe.
  13. Not to rain on your parade, but gold farming is a very hard thing to do at the moment. I've come to the conclusion that Jagex may not care too much about personal botting on one account at a time, as I've botted many accounts one by one and never had a ban. it was only until I botted two accounts at the same time and then traded materials over to a mule that I got slapped with 3 separate bans. The reason I suggest they don't care too much about botting one account at a time is because they already allow AFKing and MouseKeys to happen all over the game. All that being said - Good luck on the $1K...however there are much quicker methods to obtain said capital.
  14. Thanks everyone! I've got a lot of work to do to make it the perfect script I want it to be, but I feel I'm headed in the right direction. I haven't got much to do tomorrow, so I'm thinking I'll get an early start to my day and try to start implementing the more advanced features. Cheers!
  15. Good on ya! Rushers deserve to die in a pit of spiders. Fucking pathetic wimps they are.
  16. Well here it is! My FIRST release ever! CURRENTLY OUTDATED AS OF 12/19, WILL BE UPDATED SOMETIME SOON (CX - 12/19. I AM SCRIPTING AGAIN). Version 0.52 How To Start 1. Have Runes Required for Curse & Proper negative magic bonus. (-65) 2. Stand right by fence. 3. Start script! FEATURES ADDED Quick Cursing - Casts at random but quick intervals just like a human would. (This is THE FASTEST out there!) FAILSAFES Tab Check - Makes sure to open up Magic Tab before starting. Inventory Check - If you don't have runes the script will stop! Position Check - If you aren't in position the script will stop! Upstairs Check - If you accidentally run upstairs it will run back downstairs and get back into position! FEATURES TO BE ADDED UPDATE LOG LAST UPDATE: 4/24/2015 (VERSION 0.52) SCAN & DOWNLOAD ======================================== VIRUS SCAN DOWNLOAD JAR ======================================== Special Thanks to all those who have helped me recently with all of my scripting questions. No Special Thanks to those who doubted I'd ever release anything. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS DISCLAIMER: THIS SCRIPT IS IN DEVELOPMENT. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BANS THAT HAPPEN WHEN USING THIS SCRIPT. WHEN THE SCRIPT REACHES VERSION 1.0, IT WILL BE SAFE TO RUN WITHOUT BABYSITTING. UNTIL THEN, KEEP AN EYE ON IT. That being said - YOU MAY LEAVE THE COMPUTER as long as you are confident that you have enough runes. Please note that I do have a very busy personal life that may get in the way of script development...however I've always wanted to do this and I'll do my best to get to your feedback in a timely manner. PROGRESS REPORTS! (SUBMIT YOURS TO BE FEATURED) Support Consideration: I spend a lot of time making sure that my scripts run well. When I'm not here at OSBot I'm running my business in real life, which takes up a considerable amount of time. I spend almost all of my free time that I have (barely any) on giving back to the community that has given me so much. So please, if you feel that you have enjoyed my scripts, consider donating some OSRS GP! Donating gives me motivation as well as a small bit of compensation for my work. Just send me a PM and we can work something out! Thank you - CX
  17. Ok I'm not sure what happened, but when I typed the WHOLE code out it gave me an error, but if I stopped at "skills.getStatic(Skill." , waited for the drop down menu, and clicked the MAGIC option, it works fine. I'm not sure what went wrong here. Sorry about the needless post. mods may close/delete if need be.
  18. Im making a simple magic bot right now and am trying to create a paint that will log the levels. I'm following this tutorial: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/59590-the-full-paint-tutorial-all-aspects-covered-pug-tutorials/ Everything seems to be coded correctly, however when I have the code currentLevel = skills.getStatic(Skill.MAGIC); it highlights "Skill" before "Skill.MAGIC" and says that "Skill Cannot be resolved to a variable" What am I doing wrong?
  19. Holy shit! Internal Affairs at Jagex HQ! This is fucking spicy! Mod Reach was the only mother fucker to ACTUALLY infiltrate jagex and fuck them up from the inside. Well PLAYED. So Reach you gonna come bot now and leak valuable knowledge please?
  20. At least I'm making an attempt to contribute to the society, instead of mocking those who do such. Not to mention learning a valuable coding language in this day...Time well spent!
  21. Thank you everyone! Most likely I will code the project to fit my play style and reduce banning on my part, seeing as you all are very opposed to it hitting the market. If I have anymore questions I'll be sure to report back here!
  22. Please do not consider my contributions to the community as competition towards other scripters, but rather advancements towards the community. Thank you for your response, however I believe my original question was not necessarily answered; this may have been an error on my part. So the question rephrased would be: How are non-aggressive crabs classified in game? Are they objects or NPCS? Secondly, How do I go about gathering the information that they have changed to be nonaggressive? This way I can relay the information to a new part of the script that will then do what needs to be done in order to re-aggravate the crabs.
  23. I am creating my own private script for Rock Crabs (may be released after it's perfected, for a price of course). Is there anyway to detect whether or not the crab is aggressive? My first thought would be to walk near the crab and check for combat, and if no they are non aggressive, however there could be the exception that someone else is simply fighting the rock crab. So here are the questions: How do I detect the crab when it's not an active NPC? How do I detect the crab when it's in a fight with ANOTHER player? (or any NPC for that matter) Is there a way to detect the crab based off of it's model? (not ID, but model) Thank you everyone for your help in my journey to create quality scripts for the community. It may take awhile to get the hang of it, but when I've got it, I'll be releasing the most human like scripts seen. -CX
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