Yup. It's all about where you are and who's around. I've had people run up around my bots, speak and leave. Who knows if they reported me or not. I'm sure if your account is flagged via a report or strange activity (Like a bot logging in and out constantly [which just happened to me...]) then Jagex will monitor you more closely, possibly checking for more flags.
Speaking from personal experience, I've found quite a few locations tucked around Runescape that are PERFECT for botting. The way I see it is you should either be out of the fucking way of everyone or you should hide in plain sight.
A friend of mine showed me a spot years ago that he got 99 str at. NO one was ever there (pre-eoc, not osrs) and it was a great spot to train. I ended up getting 99 attack and 99 defense there NO ban.
There are loads of factors that go into whether or not they ban you. I'd even go far as saying they give certain bots special treatment. I was watching a Q&A stream with Jagex the other day and they said something very peculiar. They were talking about gold farming I think, but one of the mods stated that they would monitor the account and watch "what the person was doing with the gold they received, whether or not it was being resold or going into the economy".
This leads me to believe that as long as you're an active member of the community, they may have lenience to botting these days. Gold Farmers and 24/7 bots? maybe not so much. But do a quest or two, get in a clan, PLAY THE GAME, and you won't be banned.
Most common reasons for a ban I see:
24/7 botting
botting ONE skill for too long of a time
not actually playing the game (quests, minigames, trails)