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  1. private void createGUI(){ gui = new JFrame("GUI"); gui.setBounds(100, 100, 136, 227); gui.setVisible(true); gui.setResizable(false); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); gui.add(panel); panel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); JLabel lblRockCrabs = new JLabel("ROCK CRABS"); lblRockCrabs.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14)); lblRockCrabs.setBounds(10, 11, 100, 14); panel.add(lblRockCrabs); JLabel lblFood = new JLabel("Food"); lblFood.setBounds(45, 94, 30, 14); panel.add(lblFood); JComboBox<String> comboBox_1 = new JComboBox<String>(); comboBox_1.setBounds(10, 112, 95, 20); comboBox_1.addItem("SELECT ONE"); comboBox_1.addItem("Lobster"); comboBox_1.addItem("Swordfish"); comboBox_1.addItem("Shark"); comboBox_1.addItem("Lobster"); comboBox_1.addActionListener(e -> foodSelected = comboBox_1.getSelectedItem().toString()); panel.add(comboBox_1); JLabel lblVersion = new JLabel("version 1.0"); lblVersion.setBounds(20, 22, 54, 14); panel.add(lblVersion); JButton btnStartScript = new JButton("START"); btnStartScript.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { started = true; gui.setVisible(false); } }); btnStartScript.setBounds(24, 154, 71, 23); panel.add(btnStartScript); } For some reason the GUI is not showing up fully. It pops up with nothing on it, and I have to hover my mouse over it to suddenly make everything show up. Then it acts normally and I can select my options and move on. What is happening? I followed two tutorials the best I could, but there is clearly something I missed, as other scripts have no problem.
  2. logged in, used bank, got kicked, disabled. cheeky cunts eh edit: damn it was only a 2 day hell yeah.
  3. I don't understand? Paranoia should not be so taboo. It has kept my family, my life, and least importantly my accounts safe from trouble. This has been proven true in more than one occasion. It's at least one person's job at Jagex to ban bots, which means, in simplest terms, banning bots puts food on the table for someone. I run a bot farm, so I definitely believe that they have a bounty on my head specifically. All of that being said, if there is even one person out there that's whole purpose in life is to ban accounts that break rules, I'll take every precaution possible not to get caught by them. Paranoia =/= precaution. Just because I take the needed steps to not get banned doesn't mean I'm losing sleep over it in the middle of the night. I think of things on the deepest level, implement the methods required to navigate past detection, and enjoy my botted stats while still being able to have an active life. In no ways am I staying up all day/night worrying about my accounts, lmao. They are simple game accounts. But of course I take the required steps to keep them safe. Only fools would suggest to do otherwise.
  4. alwkerjawelrajeraiweroawejrawera fcking gmauler gone but still have my 99 stat wat
  5. RIP my pure, 99 account is still going though. FUCKin JAMFLEX
  6. jk my fucking scripting sucks im a cock sucking loser
  7. First off thanks to both of you for helping me out here. Explv could you break that down and explain the logic behind it? Like let me know what each piece of it does. I know it's cumbersome but that's the best way for me to learn, I'd really appreciate it
  8. So I'm coding my rock crabs script and currently it generates a random number and uses that number to pick a rock crab spot to travel to. This seems a little bad to me and I want to do something different. How would I go about making my character walk to the closest given location in a list of locations. So the logic would be something like -Look at rock crab positions -Find rock crab position closest to me -walk to closest position How would I go about scripting that?
  9. Yeah previously had asked how to grab closest crab, didn't realize I already knew how to, haha. Cheers
  10. Is that any different than npcs.closest("Rock crab"); ?
  11. XRock Crabs - GET THOSE COMBAT LEVELS! This script will help you get those pesky combat levels on your pure without having to go down to the Stronghold and destroy your food supply! VERSION CHANGES Alpha - Version 0.3 (9/24/2016) *initial release HOW TO RUN THIS SCRIPT 1. Start with a full inventory of Lobsters & a bunch of camelot teleports. You may start at the rock crabs or at the bank. 2. set your preferred method of training (attack/strength/defense) 3. Run script. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO USERS: This script may still be unstable. Use at your own risk. Until you see Version 1.0, it runs the risk of bugging out. This script was coded in hopes to learn how to generate random cases, how to handle a combat script, and learn a bit more complicated coding. MUST START IN CAMELOT BANK OR IN EAST ROCK CRABS AREA. HAVE NOT TESTED OTHERWISE. That being said, you can start in Bank and it will run to the crabs and train for you. It will attack and heal if needed, and reset if the crabs aren't aggressive. It will attack close crabs if there are any, and make sure not to attack other people crabs. Once you run out of food, the script will tele back to camelot and get some more food. HOW TO RUN THIS SCRIPT FOR A LONG TIME AT IT'S CURRENT STATE I'm very confident in that if you start with 100 camelot tabs and 1000 lobsters, as well as starting in the bank area or the crabs area, you will be able to run this script flawlessly for quite some time. It has already been running for 2 hours on my system, and while it seems a little clunky, it gets the job done. This is a work in progress! remember that. Known Bugs: *Some of the crab locations are slightly off *Will occasionally attack another players crab once before backing off. *Chooses random crabs as oppose to a closer crab. Not so much a bug as a slight annoyance. FUTURE FEATURES: *Antiban *Other food support *Precise choosing of crabs *GUI *level goals & Attack switching *looting [download removed. perfecting and putting on SDN] I do a lot of work in life and this is a fun hobby for me. While I may not be able to provide the fastest services to my scripts, I do want to make the end user (that's you) happy. Please post feedback on what you would like to see. If there are bugs REPORT them. If you got a 8 hour - Let me know. Enjoy SCRIPTERS: Figured it out! Thanks for your help. END USERS: I highly recommend using this script in an emptier world because of how toxic some rock crab trainers can be. I wanted to get it out early so you may all test and let me know what you want from the script. This is a community and I need your help to make the best script for all of us. Thank you. WANT TO KEEP MY SCRIPTS FREE? - Consider donating 07GP, membership, or bonds my way. All 3 will help in the development in new and more secure scripts. PM me if you would like to contribute, and I thank you for your support.
  12. Ah shit you are right, it actually doesn't need to be there anymore, it's shit code. I had a whole different layout earlier this morning before I rewrote the script and that must have stuck in there. I'm gonna take it out and see how it works. Thanks for the tips! Hopefully I'll get scripter rank someday
  13. Went from 38-53 this morning with no problems! Let me know if you have the same success
  14. Anyone who is currently using I suggest you switch to 0.5 as I've made it slightly more efficient.
  15. Awesome man, glad to hear! So you can actually look into my .jar file to see my code? That's awesome. Could you give me any tips on what I may or may not be doing correctly.
  16. Removed. All scripts I make will now be private. Look at sig for information.
  17. Lol. Right, so the theory behind this is the less actions you put in to the game, the harder it is for them to tell if it's really YOU doing it or it's a robot. For skills like fletching or cooking, many players already AFK, so Jagex knows they can't expect much movement from the camera, or much interaction from the player, etc, etc. However, as you said, a skill that may take more actions to complete, for instance, Mining, may give you away. Also with OSBuddy being 'unofficially' supported by Jagex, you have a whole list of new opportunities because of the OSBuddy Pro functions. Now that OSBuddy has Windows Alerts (small alerts that pop up in the bottom right of screen if you don't have the window open), it allows the player to be inactive that much more - opening up more room for botting in that selected area. I know it WOULD be nice, but I don't feel comfortable releasing that information. Probably not hard for Jagex to see who got 99's in a certain skill within the last week, then it just takes a little detective work to cross reference what I said and find me out.
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