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Everything posted by Anomaly

  1. yeah appreciate it, sometimes also bugs when hopping worlds using the ingame world hopper interesting, how would that workout, say if im on 20+ clients? thanks for the reply
  2. 2 small things, new client does look awesome! Thx to everyone who made that happen. Now for the other stuff -When executing manual breaks (pausing and logging out yourself), sometimes when you go to play the start, it fails to auto-log back in, so you'd need to close that client and restart or maybe you can open a new tab within the client (haven't tried that yet) -the play button was moved to the middle of the client from the far left where it was before, which for middle sized farms can be a pain as when doing manual breaking, you could previously cascade clients and start them pretty easy .. hopefully that makes sense xD
  3. hopefully it features an option to remove sidebar, so the client dimensions are similar to OsBuddy? small but noticeable upgrades
  4. Anomaly

    Max stakers

    From a trusted source - 120-180/acc USD I think I have one, Veng OO, could sell it for 135$ if that works for you.
  5. just bot a couple hrs a day, talk to ur friends n shit, dont bot RC / agility / questing and do some manual tasks. Plenty of ppl max out gradually like that. Its when ur botting 3-4+ hours each day, w/ no manual input that jagex will hammer u
  6. usually the max is 2-3 days, esp over the weekend. Example: bot friday, Jagex see's it on their systems but its not enough for an auto ban, so they check on Monday and determine if you should get the hammer. =3 day delay. 7 Day is unlikely. You probably did something that triggered their systems within the 7 days.
  7. I can do this via bitcoin. Send me a PM on Discord. Anomaly#0373 233998344836349952
  8. my suggestion would be don't settle for under 350k /hr methods. GL
  9. if you trying and login on a world w/ over 1950 people, it breaks the auto login bot pls fix
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